
Norway’s $1 Trillion Fund Wants to Invest in Private Equity


Category: Financial / Investment

Norway’s $1 trillion wealth fund said allowing it to invest in private equity would boost returns and spread risk to a broader range of companies.    In response to a request by the Norwegian Finance Ministry, the fund on Wednesday said given its size and long-term outlook it was “well-suited” to invest in unlisted equity. A […]

Source: Bloomberg


Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus blir OsloMet – storbyuniversitet


Category: Education / Research

Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus (HiOA) har i dag fått status som universitet med navnet OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet. Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo (KhiO) har fått status som vitenskapelig høyskole og Fjellhaug internasjonale høyskole har fått status som høyskole. Basert på vurderingene til en sakkyndig komité, har NOKUT slått fast at HiOA oppfyller kravene til å blir […]

Source: Regjeringen


Trump Reconsiders Paris Agreement and Praises Tesla with PM Solberg


Category: Government

As president, Donald Trump has become known for changing strongly held opinions in a heartbeat, often while meeting with an advisor or foreign official who persuades him of the merits of another point of view. Norway’s prime minister Erna Solberg appears to have excellent powers of persuasion. In a short press conference after meeting with Solberg today (Jan. 10) […]

Source: Quartz


U.S. Chamber CEO says ‘If we aren’t leading on trade, we’re falling behind’


Category: Government

The chief cheerleader for America’s businesses says his group will aggressively back lawmakers who support pro-growth policies in the 2018 elections and fight “the extremes in both parties — the Steve Bannons and the Elizabeth Warrens of the world.” Thomas Donahue, the longtime CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, said in his annual address on Wednesday […]



Kenneth J. Braithwaite, of Pennsylvania, to be Ambassador of the Untied States of America to Norway.


Category: Government

The U.S. Senate is now adjourned for the year and will next meet for legislative business at 12:00 p.m on Wednesday, January 3, 2018. For a list of nominees pending on the Executive Calendar but received no action from the Senate, see “Pending Nominations” below. The following executive nominations were approved before the Senators raced out of […]


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