
Norwegian officials tout relations between countries during Midwest tour


Category: Education / Research

Bard Ludvig Thorheim, political adviser to Norway’s minister of foreign affairs, expected his recent trip through the Midwest to be informative and productive, but he did not expect to find home. Nevertheless, he discovered the spirit of Norway lived on in the residents of the “Norwegian-American heartland.” “They told about what they had heard from […]

Source: Grand Forks Herald


US Navy selects Kongsberg Naval Strike Missile as new, over-the-horizon weapon


Category: Defense / Security

The U.S. Navy has selected the Naval Strike Missile, offered by Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) and Kongsberg Gruppen, to meet its over-the-horizon requirement for littoral combat ships and future frigates. Raytheon will manufacture and deliver over-the-horizon weapon systems under a $14.8 million contract for offensive missiles loaded into launching mechanisms, and a single fire control suite. The contract includes […]

Source: PRNe


Kliniske studier: Sårt tiltrengt måleverktøy i sikte


Category: Government

Takket være politisk vilje og et nybrottsarbeid i Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet får vi endelig på plass en indikator for å måle den kliniske studieaktiviteten på norske sykehus. Dette vil medføre at vi får et godt datagrunnlag som kan være nyttig for styring, prioritering og tilrettelegging av et godt tilbud for pasientdeltakelse i kliniske studier. For […]

Source: LMI


Electric Vehicles Could Finally Be Reducing Norway’s Fuel Consumption


Category: Automobile / Transport

One of the examples I have offered up for those who believe that peak oil demand is right around the corner due to the rise of electric vehicles (EVs) is Norway. For many years, Norway has had the highest growth rates and highest penetration of EVs in the world. This is a result of generous tax breaks […]

Source: Forbes


Tech companies scramble as sweeping data rules take effect


Category: Government

A sweeping set of new data privacy regulations descending on Europe is leaving internet companies in the U.S. scrambling to overhaul their practices to avoid steep penalties. Companies like Google, Twitter, Yelp and Uber have in recent weeks sent notices to their users about updates to privacy policies and user agreements aimed at making their […]

Source: The Hill

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