
Avtalen mellom Norge og USA bryter ikke Grunnloven

Category: Business News

Flere har vært bekymret for om SDCA-avtalen med USA bryter Grunnloven. Det trenger de ikke å være. SDCA er viktig for Norge, for norsk sikkerhet og for norske interesser. USA er vår viktigste allierte, og avtalen inneholder et bredt spekter av regler som legger bedre til rette for den praktiske gjennomføringen av amerikansk militær aktivitet […]

Source: Regjeringen


Norway Advises Its Citizens to Refrain From Travelling Abroad at Least Until July 1


Category: Airline / Travel

Norway’s government has decided to re-extended its travel advice against international travel for its citizens, until July 1, after evaluating that many countries worldwide continue to be highly affected by the spread of the Coronavirus. Even though the government’s gradual reopening plan is underway, the country’s health authorities recommend avoiding international travel until a larger […]

Source: Schengen Visa Info


Norway Tops The Digital Nomad Visa Charts. Several Other European Nationals Highly Rated


Category: Airline / Travel

While the whole world went into remote working through the Covid-19 pandemic, several countries around the world announced new “digital nomad visas” to cater for the lost tourism revenue. Instead of having short term visitors come for a week, why not entice them to come enjoy the country for a few months or more? This […]

Source: Forbes


A Proclamation on World Trade Week, 2021

Category: Business News

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, it not only inflicted an enormous toll on American lives and livelihoods — it brought unprecedented disruption to the global economy as well.  That disruption represents a major threat to workers and employers in every community who rely on trade to grow jobs here at home, from small businesses that sell […]

Source: The White House


Statement by Secretary Antony J. Blinken on May 17

Category: Business News

On behalf of the Government of the United States of America, I congratulate the people of Norway as you celebrate the 207th anniversary of Constitution Day. The United States and Norway share a strong commitment to global peace, economic development, human rights, and democratic values. As NATO Allies, we are bolstering our collective defense capabilities […]

Source: US Embassy in Norway

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