
Norway’s Labor Market Strengthening to Leave Oil Crash Behind


Category: Energy

Norway is getting back to work as it leaves the oil crash behind. Registered unemployment, one of the key indicators for the central bank, has fallen a percentage point from a Jan. 2016 high to end the year at 2.4 percent, levels that haven’t been seen for five years. Stoked by higher economic optimism, the labor […]

Source: Bloomberg


Norway Faces Up to Big Oil’s Snub


Category: Energy

Norway is realizing it will have to do without the deep pockets of the biggest oil companies as it seeks to extend an era that has made it one of the world’s richest countries. The most recent blow came when only 11 companies applied for new blocks in the Arctic Barents Sea, touted as the country’s most […]

Source: Bloomberg


FMC får milliardkontrakt av Statoil


Category: Energy

Statoil annonserte tirsdag morgen utbyggingsplanene for Johans Castberg-feltet, der Aker Solitions stakk av med storkontrakten på fire milliarder kroner. Samme dag tildeler Statoil en stor kontrakt til FMC Kongsberg Subsea AS verdt snaue to milliarder kroner. Det skriver selskapet i en pressemelding. En gledens dag, tross Castberg-tape Kontrakten er for Snorre Expansion-prosjektet (SEP) på Snorre i en […]

Source: Sysla


Norsk Olje & Gass’ Investeringsprognose: Vil Øke Mot 2020


Category: Energy

Norsk olje og gass’ ferske investeringsprognose viser at aktiviteten i olje og gass tar seg opp. Investeringsbunnen nås i 2018 og investeringene vil stige mot 2020. SE PRESENTASJONEN FRA FREMLEGGELSEN HER Økte investeringer skyldes en lang rekke nye prosjekt som nå blir startet. Det må gjøres nye funn for å unngå fall i investeringene fra 2021 […]

Source: Norsk Olje og Gass


Arctic Oil Rush Abates in Norway After Exploration Letdown


Category: Energy

Oil exploration in Norway’s Arctic seems to have lost some of its appeal after a disappointing drilling campaign. Only 11 companies applied for exploration licenses in the latest round — the nation’s 24th — which focused heavily on the Barents Sea, the Petroleum and Energy Ministry said in a statement on its website on Tuesday. That’s down […]

Source: Bloomberg

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