
Alcoa signerer ny vindkraftavtale


Category: Energy

Alcoa Norway ANS har inngått en 15-årig kraftkontrakt med Guleslettene Vindpark AS. Alcoa vil kjøpe hele produksjonskapasiteten fra den planlagte vindkraftparken på Vestlandet. Dette er Alcoas tredje vindkraftavtale, og avtalen styrker selskapets posisjon som en av de ledende kjøperne av bærekraftig vindkraft i det europeiske energimarkedet. – Aluminium spiller en strategisk rolle i europeiske verdikjeder, […]

Source: Alcoa

Published: July 16, 2024


Trump Trade Threats Turn Exxon, Chevron From Backers to Critics


Category: Energy

Big Oil is losing faith in President Donald Trump’s pledges to build the U.S. into a self-reliant energy superpower. Top executives from Exxon Mobil Corp., Chevron Corp. and Total SA all took shots at Trump’s trade plans at the World Gas Conference in Washington, expressing concern that U.S. tariffs are a risk to oil and […]

Source: Bloomberg

Published: July 16, 2024


DNV GL Survey Sees Oil & Gas Professionals Preparing for Gas Overtake


Category: Energy

OSLO — Nearly two-thirds (64%) of oil and gas sector leaders expect to increase or sustain spending on gas projects in 2018, as the sector prepares for gas to overtake oil as the world’s primary energy source in the mid-2030s. Confidence in the case for gas is growing, according to a survey by DNV GL, […]

Source: World Oil

Published: July 16, 2024


Oil Explorers Get Best Results in Norway Since 2010 Bonanza


Category: Energy

Oil companies in Norway have more to rejoice about than just higher crude prices: they’re now boasting the best exploration results in almost a decade. If they keep that pace up, explorers could find close to 1 billion barrels of new oil and gas this year for the first time since the landmark discovery of […]

Source: Bloomberg

Published: July 16, 2024


Equinor Offered Seven Licenses in Norway’s 24th Licensing Round


Category: Energy

STAVANGER — The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has offered Equinor seven licenses in the 24th licensing round – five operatorships and two partner positions. “We have a clear ambition of maintaining profitable production at today’s level on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) until 2030 and beyond. It is therefore crucial that we are awarded […]

Source: World Oil

Published: July 16, 2024

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