Category: Accounting / Financial
Stanford University is launching a new research program to accelerate the transformation of the world’s energy infrastructure to make it more sustainable, affordable and secure – and to extend modern energy services to developing economies. The Stanford Strategic Energy Alliance will match industry alliance members and Stanford professors who share common research objectives across the […]
Source: Stanford
Category: AmCham News
AmCham rounded off a successful second year of our popular Mentorship Program, with OsloMet Rector Curt Rice presenting on lifelong learning, professional development and cooperation. Arne Norheim, Country Manager at IBM Norway, hosted the session and provided an exclusive tour of the technology giant’s new Norway headquarters. Initiated in February 2017, the second edition of […]
Source: AmCham
Category: Education / Research
Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus (HiOA) har i dag fått status som universitet med navnet OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet. Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo (KhiO) har fått status som vitenskapelig høyskole og Fjellhaug internasjonale høyskole har fått status som høyskole. Basert på vurderingene til en sakkyndig komité, har NOKUT slått fast at HiOA oppfyller kravene til å blir […]
Source: Regjeringen
Category: Education / Research
The Sons of Norway Foundation awards approximately 25 scholarships to promising students each year. These programs promote cultural exchange and support higher education to help students follow their dreams. Read more about our opportunities available HERE
Source: Sons of Norway
Category: Education / Research
Turns out, America’s decade-long shale boom might just end up being a little too good to be true. There’s no denying that fracking has turned the U.S. into a force in the global oil and gas markets, which has more than a few people abuzz about the prospect of energy independence. But now, researchers at MIT have […]
Source: Bloomberg