Education / Research

The Life-Changing Magic of Doing Just Enough

Category: Business News

It’s a well-known fact among traveled women that the best-looking men on the planet can be observed at the Oslo Airport. Broad of shoulder, lean of shank, with the wellspring of Viking DNA still flowing in Norway. Less widely noted is that Norwegian women run the country.  Last summer, I left New York for a semester as a lecturer […]

Source: Bloomberg

Published: December 21, 2024


CNN: The Arctic explorers locked down in a tiny hut in Norway’s Svalbard archipelago


Category: Airline / Travel

(CNN) — When Hilde Falun Strom and Sunniva Sorby began a long-planned expedition in the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard last September, their main goal was to encourage conversation around climate change in the polar regions. After spending close to nine months collecting data and samples for researchers in remote Basembu, situated 140 kilometers from the “nearest […]

Source: CNN


The Norwegian American: Kahoot! game-based learning platform an international hit

Category: Business News

Kahoot! continued its growth last quarter when the coronavirus started. The Norwegian quiz game company ended with a 220% increase in sales from the same period last year. The startup delivers engaging learning and is used by teachers, students, businesses, and parents for group learning, e-learning, distance learning, and self-study everywhere. The award-winning company’s number […]

Source: The Norwegian American

Published: May 9, 2020


Kahoot! and the United Nations launch games to engage youth in the global dialogue on shaping the future

Category: Business News

In 2020, the United Nations is marking its 75th anniversary. In commemoration of this date and with its goal of building a better future for all, the United Nations launched a global dialogue initiative in January. This initiative covers a range of important global issues — including the climate, inequality, forms of conflict and the […]

Source: Kahoot!


Kampanje: Kahoot har økt omsetningen med 220 prosent under koronakrisen

Category: Business News

I dag slipper Kahoot! Group tall for første kvartal som viser at det norske startup-selskapet har vokst kraftig under koronakrisen. Omsetningen steg me 220 prosent til 6,4 millioner dollar sammenlignet med samme kvartal i fjor. Antall betalende brukere talte 202.000 i kvartalet. Quiz-tjenesten Kahoot står for 184.000 av dem, mens DragonBox School har hatt 18.000 […]

Source: Kampanje

Published: April 2, 2020

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