Category: Business News
The result of this week’s US election is undoubtedly significant and international education will see some of the most immediate impact. However, that impact will be complex as students from around the world ask what a second Trump presidency means for their study plans, and students from within the USA will become more likely to […]
Source: Keystone Education Group
Category: Business News
Det viser en ny rapport fra forskningssenteret Lighthouse som ser på fenomenet «brain waste» i Europa. «Brain waste» betyr at folk ikke får brukt fagkompetansen sin på jobben. Dette måles ved å sammenligne arbeidstakernes kvalifikasjoner med stillingen de innehar. En viss grad av overkvalifisering finnes på de fleste arbeidsmarkeder, men jo lavere den er, jo bedre klarer […]
Source: Tendens
Category: Business News
The Earth4All model created in part by Jørgen Randers and Per Espen Stoknes will be used to map emissions, poverty, and inequality to help build a more sustainable future. “Environmental and economic sustainability is the greatest challenge the world faces. It is important to be aware that solving the climate challenge is not enough, we […]
Source: BI Norwegian Business School
Category: Business News
BI has signed a collaboration agreement with Harvard Division of Continuing Education, allowing high-achieving students to experience the 2023 Harvard Summer School program. BI’s commitment to providing global opportunities for its students is further enhanced by its new collaboration with Harvard Division of Continuing Education. Qualified BI students will go through an internal application process, […]
Source: BI Norwegian Business School
Category: Business News
Bachelor i økonomi og ledelse ved USN Handelshøyskolen er akkreditert av EFMD, det europeiske akkrediteringsorganet for handelshøyskoler. – Viktig for hele USN, sier rektor. – Dette er en stor dag, sier dekan Hans Anton Stubberud og visedekan for utdanning Birger Opstad ved USN Handelshøyskolen. Det er bare Universitetet i Stavanger som tidligere har fått akkreditert et studieprogram […]
Source: USN Handelshøyskolen