Category: Business News
Det norske selskapet Kitron AS har inngått en avtale med Northrop Grumman om produksjon av elektronikkmoduler til F-35 kampfly. Modulene er en del av flyets svært avanserte kommunikasjon-, navigasjon- og identifiseringsavionikk. Avtalen har en verdi på mer enn 170 millioner kroner, og har leveranser ut i 2021. – Dette er svært gledelig og viser at […]
Category: Business News
Generalmajor Eirik Kristoffersen (51) er i dag utnevnt til ny forsvarssjef. Han vil etterfølge admiral Haakon Bruun-Hanssen som går av med pensjon i august i år. – Eirik Kristoffersen er en forsvarssjef for vår tid. Han har de rette egenskapene for å lede Forsvaret fremover, sier forsvarsminister Frank Bakke-Jensen. Les hele pressemeldingen HER.
Published: May 12, 2020
Category: Business News
WASHINGTON: DoD and Norway’s Defense Ministry today announced an umbrella agreement for partnering on development of ramjet propulsion technologies, which the US Navy and Army have been eying to power future hypersonic missiles. The agreement is the first to be publicly revealed under DoD’s new Allied Prototyping Initiative (API), led by Mike Griffin’s office for […]
Source: Breaking Defense
Published: May 4, 2020
Category: Business News
Press release | Date: 17/04/2020 Today the Norwegian government presented the new Long Term Plan for the Norwegian Armed Forces. A continued increase in defence spending will strengthen the readiness and endurance of the Norwegian Armed Forces and reduce operational gaps. – A challenging strategic environment constantly reminds us that our freedom and security can not […]
Category: Business News
The Norwegian Ministry of Defence has implemented measures and is continuously assessing the need for new measures to support the national defence industry. Invasive measures to limit the spread of covid-19 infection is a challenge to the supply security across all sectors of the Norwegian society, including the defence industry. – I want to keep […]
Published: April 8, 2020