Category: Business News
W. Cameron Beard, Partner at Blank Rome LLP, was unanimously elected President of the Norwegian-American Chamber of Commerce, at a meeting of Board of Directors held in New York City on April 17, 2018. Mr. Beard succeeds Giacomo Landi, Head of DNB Americas.
Mr. Beard writes: “On April 17, 2018, I was elected as the 28th President of the Norwegian-American Chamber of Commerce. I am honored, but also recognize that I have big shoes to fill. Having served on the board of the NACC for more than twenty years, I have had the opportunity to witness and admire the work of a number of very able NACC presidents, all of whose contributions to the organization have been substantial. I am therefore especially grateful for the opportunity I have been given to serve the interests of the NACC membership, and to work with the NACC during an exciting period of growth and development.
It goes without saying that we are deeply indebted to our departing president, Giacomo Landi. During Giacomo’s presidency the NACC made a number of great strides forward, including but not limited to: hiring its first new general manager in almost four decades, implementing a new management software that will streamline the activities of the NACC organization nationwide, and moving the NACC’s national offices to the vibrant WeWork facility above Grand Central Station in Manhattan, where NACC staff can work closely with representatives of a number of other Nordic organizations.” Read the full statement here: