Tag Archives: Frank Bakke-Jensen

Pressemelding: Norsk selskap inngår F-35 avtale

Det norske selskapet Kitron AS har inngått en avtale med Northrop Grumman om produksjon av elektronikkmoduler til F-35 kampfly. Modulene er en del av flyets svært avanserte kommunikasjon-, navigasjon- og identifiseringsavionikk. Avtalen har en verdi på mer enn 170 millioner kroner, og har leveranser ut i 2021.

– Dette er svært gledelig og viser at norsk forsvarsindustri er konkurransedyktig i et internasjonalt marked, sier forsvarsminister Frank Bakke-Jensen.

Les hele pressemelding HER.

Press Release: The Norwegian Minister of Defence wants to meet with the defence industry to discuss measures of support

The Norwegian Ministry of Defence has implemented measures and is continuously assessing the need for new measures to support the national defence industry.

Invasive measures to limit the spread of covid-19 infection is a challenge to the supply security across all sectors of the Norwegian society, including the defence industry.

– I want to keep a close dialogue and meet with representatives from the defence industry in the very near future to assess the situation and discuss possible further measures, says Norwegian Minister of Defence Frank Bakke-Jensen.

Norwegian authorities are therefore actively targeting efforts to ensure that all critical infrastructure, including the defence sector, can maintain close to normal production levels, which again shores up security of supply both nationally and vis-à-vis allies.

– Norwegian defence industry is essential to support the operations of the Norwegian Armed Forces. In addition, Norwegian defence companies provide important contributions to allied forces and cooperate closely with their foreign counterparts, especially in the US, with regard to development and production of defence materiel. Both we and our allies depend on Norwegian defence industry for our operations and for collective security, says Bakke-Jensen.

The United States and Norway have previously concluded an agreement on security of supply related to defence (Security of Supply Arrangement) which a number of Norwegian defence companies have joined.

– If needed, the Ministry of Defence will initiate measures, within the framework of this agreement, that will contribute to ensure that Norwegian suppliers are able to fulfil their commitments to US customers and partners, the Minister of Defence underlines.

See original press release HERE.

Regjeringen: Betydelig prisreduksjon for våre nye F-35 kampfly de neste årene

En ny avtale mellom det flernasjonale programkontoret for F-35 og flyprodusenten Lockheed Martin medfører at enhetsprisen for de norske F-35 kampflyene går ned med om lag 10 prosent. – Enhetsprisen for F-35 ligger dermed under våre tidligere prognoser. Kostnadsreduserende tiltak, gode forhandlinger og samarbeid i et partnerskap viser nå resultater. Det er veldig positivt og styrker vår tillit til anskaffelsen, sier forsvarsminister Frank Bakke-Jensen.

Les hele pressemeldingen HER.

US Department of Defense: US-Norway Security Relationship Robust, Growing, Esper Says

Defense Secretary Dr. Mark T. Esper welcomed Norwegian Defense Minister Frank Bakke-Jensen to the Pentagon for talks on the U.S.-Norway partnership and the way forward for the NATO alliance.

Bakke-Jensen and Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg visited U.S. Marines and sailors in North Carolina and Virginia yesterday. Bakke-Jensen said he enjoyed meeting the Marines — many of whom deployed to Norway — and specifically cited the establishment of the U.S. 2nd Fleet in Norfolk as a concrete example of the U.S. commitment to Europe.

“The security relationship between the United States and Norway is robust and only continues to grow,” Esper said at the beginning of today’s Pentagon meeting. “As co-founders of NATO, we share similar priorities, similar values of democracy and human rights and the desire to invest in a stronger alliance.”

Read entire article HERE.