Shifter: Stop talking, start innovating: How to achieve success in «Silicon Valley Style»

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Shifter: Stop talking, start innovating: How to achieve success in «Silicon Valley Style»


Category: Business News

To gain real returns business leaders must stop talking and start being innovative daily in their actions, decisions and management approaches. In Silicon Valley innovation comes through action.

Jennifer Vessels, founder of Silicon Valley based Next Step, leader of Executive Growth Alliance and speaker.

Talk about innovation is everywhere – in board rooms, conferences, employee meetings and university classes. In 2019, it is estimated that over 10 billion NOK will be spent developing innovation competency in corporations, ministries and society.

And For Norwegian businesses to be innovative, leaders must: Be curious and listen for customer and market needs. Meet with at least one customer, partner or competitor every week. Ask open ended questions and really listen to their concerns and desires. Be open to their ideas and needs to stimulate creative ways to create value.

Read entire article HERE.

Source: Shifter