Microsoft rolls out Copilot AI tool to finance teams

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Microsoft rolls out Copilot AI tool to finance teams


Category: Business News

The move is part of Microsoft’s effort to layer AI across its enterprise offerings, with the ambitious goal of impacting every role in the workplace.

Dive Brief:

  • Microsoft on Thursday announced that it’s publicly rolling out a corporate finance version of its virtual assistant known as Copilot, which is powered by generative artificial intelligence technology.

  • Microsoft Copilot for Finance, which is now in “public preview” mode, has been embedded into Microsoft 365 apps such as Excel, Outlook and Teams, with the goal of making financial processes like accounts receivable collections and forecasting analysis more seamless, according to a blog post.

  • “We’ve been testing it ourselves as customer zero, you could say, for several weeks now,” Cory Hrncirik, modern finance lead at Microsoft, said in an interview.  

Read full article here.

Source: CFO Dive

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