Liberals Propose End of Dual Citizenship Ban

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Liberals Propose End of Dual Citizenship Ban


Category: Government

Sveinung Rotevatn, a Liberal member of the employment and social affairs committee, told NRK on Wednesday that the Liberals, one of the government’s two support parties in Parliament, want to make it easier for foreigners who have settled in Norway to achieve dual citizenship.

“We will propose that Norway accept dual citizenship, just like most of our neighbouring countries do,” Rotevatn said.

“It’s important for integration, it will make it possible for foreign immigrants to serve in the military, to take part in all elections and even to play on the Norwegian national football team.”

For most foreigners in Norway, who’ve qualified for permanent resident status, it will mostly mean they can vote in national elections and referenda, and not just in local elections.

Norway’s ban on dual citizenship has been criticised as being anachronistic and out of touch with today’s global society.

Source: The Local

Published: April 23, 2024