Kongsberg Heads Up IBM, DNV & Statoil Environmental Monitoring Consortium

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Kongsberg Heads Up IBM, DNV & Statoil Environmental Monitoring Consortium


Category: Energy

On behalf of the consortium, KONGSBERG has been awarded a contract by Statoil
Research and Development Center in Trondheim for developing an Integrated
Environmental Monitoring System.

The project value of 150 MNOK include Statoil’s project work and cash
contribution and the consortium’s contribution. The contract period is 3 years
ending with a solution ready for pilot implementation at an operational asset.
The project is part of Statoil’s “New Energy and HSE” R & D program.

KONGSBERG has formed a consortium with four members with a unique technology
base to fulfill the project scope. The consortium is lead by Kongsberg Oil &
Gas Technologies, and includes Kongsberg Maritime Subsea providing sensor and
communication technologies, IBM providing information integration and business
analytics technology, and DNV providing marine environmental analytics and risk
management practices. Statoil will have an active role in the project
contributing with domain knowledge within offshore oil and gas operations.

The purpose of the project is to demonstrate solutions for continuous
environmental monitoring of operations in sensitive areas covering all phases of
an offshore operation, i.e. from preparation, drilling, production and
demobilization. A major benefit will be to include the environmental monitoring
into the daily operation for early detection and reaction to potential
environmental impact.

“KONGSBERG considers this project as an important step in its long-term
strategy in developing integrated, continuous environmental monitoring systems
to meet a growing demand for early detection and quicker response related
environmental impact from offshore oil and gas activities”, says Even Aas,
Executive Vice President KONGSBERG.

“Based on our global leadership in environmental risk management and offshore
HSE, DNV’s motivation is to set the standard for environmental monitoring. The
development of efficient solutions for early warning monitoring and analysis of
operations in sensitive areas will be of an unparalleled value to the industry.
A major benefit will also be the integration of environmental monitoring into
the daily operation”, says Jens Eirik Ramstad, Associate Director in Det Norske

“IBM is proud to be part of this unique global project organized out of
Norway, which also involves our R&D organisation, providing expertise and
focus on Health, Safety and Environment. HSE is becoming increasingly important
for the industries across the world. Environmental monitoring, as part of
real-time integrated operations, is allowing IBM to drive further focus on HSE,
not only as part of our world-wide Smarter Oil and Gas initiative, but also
across several Natural Resource domains and industries,” says Morten
Thorkildsen, General Manager for IBM Norway.

Source: Kongsberg Maritime

Published: January 18, 2025