Category: Business News
Believing the greatest opportunity for future large-scale deployment of CCS will be in the natural gas power generation sector, ExxonMobil, with partner FuelCell Energy, Inc., is advancing new technology that can substantially improve CCS efficiency, effectiveness, and affordability for large natural gas- fired power plants.
Achieving meaningful reductions in greenhouse gas emissions will require a wide range of solutions, and ExxonMobil believes that CCS has the potential to play an important role in managing emissions.
Carbonate fuel-cell technology means better efficiency, more power, and less carbon dioxide.
The parties are are working together on carbon-capture systems that is aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants.
Carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) is a process by which carbon dioxide that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere is captured, compressed and injected into under¬ground geologic formations for permanent storage.
ExxonMobil is a leader in CCS applications with extensive experience over the last three decades with all of its component technologies, including participation in several carbon dioxide injection projects.
In 2015, ExxonMobil captured 6.9 million metric tons of carbon dioxide for sequestration – the equivalent of eliminating the annual greenhouse gas emissions of more than 1 million passenger vehicles.
ExxonMobil’s scientists have been pursuing new technology that could reduce the costs associated with current CCS processes by increasing the amount of electricity a power plant produces while simultaneously delivering significant reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. At the center of ExxonMobil’s technology is a carbonate fuel cell.
Read more about ExxonMobil’s energy initiatives and ideas here.
Source: ExxonMobil