Event Summary: Thanksgiving Charity Dinner 2018

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Event Summary: Thanksgiving Charity Dinner 2018


Category: AmCham News

It was an evening of thanks, turkey, high spirits and charity as AmCham hosted our traditional Thanksgiving Dinner at Grand Hotel, where guests helped raise a record NOK 91.000 for this year’s charity partner – The Ocean Cleanup.

Thanksgiving Charity Dinner 2018

Sponsored by ExxonMobil, Biogen and Hydro, the evening included an authentic American Thanksgiving meal, prepared by the renowned Grand kitchen in collaboration with Stavanger’s legendary Chef Craig Whitson. Whole stuffed turkeys, glazed ham, sweet potatoes, and assorted American pies were accompanied by Fetzer Flatbed Red Blend and Bonterra Chardonnay from California.

Working Together

In his Thanksgiving address, Minister of Trade & Industry, Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, touched upon some of the key reasons why both Norway and the US can be grateful for an excellent relationship.

Thanksgiving Charity Dinner 2018

Trade Minister, Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (Photo: Nancy Bundt)

“We are friends, trading partners and close allies – working together to create jobs and promote common values. We have just conducted Trident Juncture – the largest NATO exercise for many years – and proven our ability to operate together and stand up for each other.”

“According to a report presented last year, Norwegian companies and investments are supporting nearly half a million jobs in the US. Equally, from ExxonMobil and ConocoPhillips to Accenture, Alcoa, Coca-Cola, Cargill, Bristow Norway, Mondelez, McDonald’s and 650 others, the US is a major contributor to jobs, welfare and happiness here,” the Minister said.

A Culture of Sharing

Fittingly headquartered in Massachusetts — where Thanksgiving is rooted — dinner partner Biogen is a neuroscience pioneer, with an ambition to cure Alzheimer’s disease. Speaking just after the Minister, Country Director Kristin Nyberg noted the importance of good health and collaboration during her dinner address.

“An interesting topic in that respect is looking into how the US and Norway can cooperate in the best way to find success in health and innovation. As an inspiration, we can look to the unique collaborative environment in Boston.”

Thanksgiving Charity Dinner 2018

Kristin Nyberg, Biogen (Photo: Nancy Bundt)

“There, our headquarters is on the same street as MIT, Harvard and several biotech companies. The researchers there have breakfast with students, lunch with CEOs and dinner with investors.”

“That is the key to success for all parties – and we should adapt that as quickly as we can here; a triangle of academia, healthcare professionals and investors.”

“Let’s work for such an environment to thrive within the new Life Science building at the University of Oslo, and we will make Norway an even better place to do business in the future,” Nyberg said.

Charity Raffle & Auction

Following dinner and Thanksgiving reflections by US Ambassador Kenneth J. Braithwaite, guests gathered for a lively charity raffle and auction, stocked with spectacular prizes donated by AmCham member companies.

Among the many winners, guests took home a large aluminum print by Pål Laukli courtesy of Featuring Spaces, an Icelandair gift certificate, an exclusive 1984 Prince photograph by Nancy Bundt, a Tesla-weekend and an all-inclusive VIP stay at Grand Hotel.

Thanksgiving Charity Dinner 2018

(Photo: Nancy Bundt)

With NOK 91.000 generated for further development of The Ocean Cleanup technologies, AmCham extends heartfelt thanks to all who so generously contributed!

Source: AmCham