Crowley Takes Delivery of First Aker Philadelphia Shipyard Tankers

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Crowley Takes Delivery of First Aker Philadelphia Shipyard Tankers


Category: Shipping & Offshore

Crowley Maritime Corp. took delivery of Ohio, the first of four new, Jones Act, product tankers this week from Aker Philadelphia Shipyard, Inc. (APSI), the wholly owned U.S. subsidiary of Aker Philadelphia Shipyard ASA.

The delivery is momentous not only for Crowley, but also for the industry because it signifies the first time a product tanker has been constructed with consideration for the future use of LNG for propulsion. The remaining three product tankers being built by APSI for Crowley are under construction and have planned deliveries through 2016.

“We are excited to offer our customers cutting-edge technology available in these new tankers, which not only embraces operational excellence and top safety, but also offers the potential to be powered by environmentally friendly LNG in the future,” said Crowley’s Rob Grune, senior V.P. and general manager, petroleum and chemical transportation. “Adding these new Jones Act tankers to our fleet allows us to continue providing our customers with diverse and modern equipment to transport their petroleum and chemical products in a safe and reliable manner.”

The new 50,000 dwt product tankers are based on a proven Hyundai Mipo Dockyards (HMD) design, which incorporates numerous fuel efficiency features, flexible cargo capability, and the latest regulatory requirements. The vessel is 600-ft long and is capable of carrying crude oil or refined petroleum products.

Crowley’s Seattle-based, naval architecture and marine engineering subsidiary Jensen Maritime is providing construction management services for the product tankers. Jensen now has an on-site office and personnel at the Philadelphia shipyard to ensure strong working relationships with shipyard staff and a seamless construction and delivery program.

Source: World Oil

Published: January 10, 2015