Category: Business News
Companies today experience constant organizational change. Across businesses and industries, change has become the new normal. However, there are critical factors that determine which companies thrive in times of relentless transformation – and which get left behind. To help organizations tackle this era of rapid change, Microsoft has partnered with the London Business School and […]
Source: Microsoft
Published: February 4, 2020
Category: Business News
Finansminister Siv Jensen (Frp) sier at dersom en internasjonal skatteløsning for IT-giganter ikke er på plass i løpet av året, vil Norge ta egne skattegrep. – Det må komme en avklaring i 2020. Jo lenger vi holder på, jo større og sterkere vokser disse selskapene seg, sier finansministeren til Klassekampen. Les hele saken HER.
Source: E24
Category: Business News
From the “Internet of Bodies” and Green Tech to DIY AI and trends in digital trust, a host of new technology solutions, along with complex Big Tech conversations, will make for a paradoxical and exciting 2020, says Telenor Research. Click HERE to see the 20 trends that point to an exciting, chaotic, and complex 2020.
Source: Telenor
Published: January 6, 2020
Category: Business News
Microsoft Corp. today announced an important new partnership with the professional services company KPMG International Cooperative, which will use its cloud services to accelerate its digital transformation efforts. KPMG is another big win for Microsoft, since it’s known as one of the world’s “Big Four” accounting organizations, along with Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd., Ernst & Young Global […]
Source: Silicon Angle
Published: December 5, 2019
Category: Business News
Jan Grønbech har sittet som Google Norge-sjef i 14,5 år. Det er lenger enn noen annen landssjef i Google. Nå er tiden moden for å finne på noe annet – akkurat hva vet han foreløpig ikke. Siden oppstarten av Google Norge i 2005, har Grønbech ledet sine ansatte og kunder gjennom perioder med enorme endringer […]
Source: Digi
Published: December 5, 2019