
Zero-emission vehicles: ESA approves prolongation of Norwegian tax incentives and threshold zero VAT rate


Category: Automobile / Transport

The EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) has today approved a prolongation and amendments to certain tax incentives for zero-emission vehicles in Norway. Read full article HERE.

Source: ESA - EFTA Surveillance Authority


Push to end US double taxation gains momentum with new bill

Category: Business News

US expatriates’ hopes for an end to double taxation gained new momentum on Wednesday, as a politician introduced a bill in the House of Representatives that would allow citizens living abroad to switch to a residence-based taxation model. The bill, put forward by Representative Darin LaHood of Illinois, is in line with president-elect Donald Trump‘s campaign pledge to […]

Source: MSN


130 countries and jurisdictions join bold new framework for international tax reform


Category: Accounting / Financial

130 countries and jurisdictions have joined a new two-pillar plan to reform international taxation rules and ensure that multinational enterprises pay a fair share of tax wherever they operate.


Published: May 7, 2021


The Norwegian Tax Administration (Skatteetaten): Norway Introduces Transitional Provisions to Ease April 1st VAT Compliance for Foreign E-Commerce Sellers

Category: Business News

Transitional provisions In recognition of the short timeframe until 1 April 2020, Norway will introduce transitional provisions to ease compliance in the implementation period. Online stores and marketplaces may on request be given time to make necessary technical system adjustments needed to provide necessary shipment information with the VOEC consignments and to calculate and collect […]

Source: The Norwegian Tax Administration

Published: March 9, 2020


Skatteetaten: 350-kronersgrensen avvikles

Category: Business News

Fra 2020 har regjeringen foreslått å avvikle 350-kronersgrensen for avgiftsfritak for varer fra utlandet. Når nye regler er innført vil varer som handles over nett ilegges samme avgifter som varer kjøpt i norske butikker.  Etter dagens regler er varer med verdi under 350 kroner fritatt fra avgifter og toll. Stortinget har vedtatt å fjerne avgiftsfritaket […]

Source: Skatteetaten

Published: December 11, 2019

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