Category: Entertainment & Lifestyle
Norway wants to limit owners to renting out their apartments through services like Airbnb Inc. for just 90 days to ease the stress on other residents. The government also wants to “prevent professional actors from operating ‘apartment hotels’ in residential areas,” Monica Maeland, Minister for municipal affairs, said in a statement published Saturday. The proposal, which is […]
Source: Bloomberg
Category: Energy
Norway is getting back to work as it leaves the oil crash behind. Registered unemployment, one of the key indicators for the central bank, has fallen a percentage point from a Jan. 2016 high to end the year at 2.4 percent, levels that haven’t been seen for five years. Stoked by higher economic optimism, the labor […]
Source: Bloomberg
Category: Energy
The tropical storm formerly known as Hurricane Harvey continues to dump copious amounts of rain on the Houston area. As a former Houston resident who lived there during the massive flooding from Tropical Storm Allison, I don’t think the city has ever seen anything like what it’s currently experiencing. Houston is the central hub for […]
Source: Forbes
Category: Culture / Lifestyle
‘We work constantly with diversity – we are a ‘people’ company. In order to work more effectively with our customers, we mirror the diversity of our clients’ global workforce. Not only in terms of our foreign employees but also with regards to our Norwegian employees.’ says Gaute Sømme, CEO of Relocation AS. Gaute believes that […]
Source: Stavanger Chamber of Commerce
Category: Culture / Lifestyle
Joakim Bakka, a 29-year-old shop worker, was so desperate to get into Norway’s booming housing market that he was prepared to borrow money at 13 percent for a deposit to buy a home. It would have been risky but he felt he had no choice. Bakka, from the Norwegian city of Drammen, is not alone […]
Source: NY Times