
IRS Announces End To Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program


Category: Accounting / Financial

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced that Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP) is coming to a close. The program, which has been around in its current form since 2014, will officially end on September 28, 2018. That gives taxpayers a little over six months to come forward with previously undisclosed foreign financial assets. “Taxpayers have had […]

Source: Forbes


Cato Institute Policy Analysis: The Nordic Glass Ceiling


Category: Government

The Nordic countries are widely regarded as world leaders in gender equality. In the Global Gender Gap Index, the Nordic nations are top performers. Iceland leads the list, followed by Norway, Finland, and Sweden in second, third, and fifth places, respectively. Denmark ranks lowest in 14th place, but still considerably higher than the United States, […]

Source: Cato


LMI: Politikeres satsning på innovasjon må ivaretas i innkjøpsprosessene


Category: Government

De siste årene har vi sett en svært positiv utvikling innenfor legemiddelpolitikken i Norge. Fra å se på legemidler som en importvare det var om å gjøre og kjøpe så billig som mulig, ser man i dag legemiddelpolitikken i sammenheng med helsepolitikken for øvrig, og på legemidler som en viktig innsatsfaktor i helsetjenesten. Vi har […]

Source: Dagens Medisin


Working group on a central credit register in Norway


Category: Accounting / Financial

Today, the Ministry of Finance has appointed a working group to assess whether a central credit register should be established in Norway, as prescribed by a regulation from the ECB on the collection of granular credit and credit risk data. The working group consists of participants from the Ministry, Norges Bank, Finanstilsynet (the financial supervisory […]

Source: Regjeringen


U.S. Chamber’s Donohue Comments on Prospects of Trade War


Category: Financial / Investment

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Chamber President and CEO Thomas J. Donohue issued the following statement today: “The U.S. Chamber is very concerned about the increasing prospects of a trade war, which would put at risk the economic momentum achieved through the administration’s tax and regulatory reforms. We won’t drive the economy to over 3 percent growth or continue […]

Source: US Chamber of Commerce

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