Business News

Ny podkast: De beste chardonnaykjøpene fra USA

Category: Business News

Mange tenker kanskje at amerikanerne ikke lager god vin, men det stemmer ikke. – De beste chardonnaykjøpene akkurat nå kommer fra USA, sier Merete Bø. Burgund er blitt kjempedyrt, og de beste produsentene forsvinner ut fra polhyllene i det sekundet de kommer inn, sier Merete Bø. I dag finnes det 160 amerikanske chardonnayer på polet, […]

Source: Dagens Nærlingsliv


Norway’s Economy to Surpass Pre-Pandemic Level This Year

Category: Business News

The Norwegian economy is set to surpass its pre-pandemic size by the end of 2021 amid a strong rebound in growth, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said in a report on Monday. Mainland gross domestic product (GDP), a key measure that excludes the volatile impact from Norway’s oil and gas output, is projected to swing […]

Source: Reuters


Internasjonalt samarbeid, bærekraft og grønne løsninger var tema for digitalt besøk til California

Category: Business News

Internasjonalt samarbeid, bærekraft og grønne løsninger sto på dagsorden da kronprins Haakon besøkte San Francisco denne uken. Med i følget var utenriksminister Ine Eriksen Søreide, næringsminister Iselin Nybø, olje- og energiminister Tina Bru og en norsk næringslivsdelegasjon. – I en tid med reiserestriksjoner ønsker vi å prøve ut nye virkemidler for å fremme Norge og […]



TIME100 Most Influential Companies 2021

Category: Business News

Which companies are shaping our future? That’s the question at the heart of our first ever TIME100 Most Influential Companies, a new list—and an expansion of our iconic TIME100 franchise—that highlights businesses making an extraordinary impact around the world. To assemble it, TIME solicited nominations across sectors including health care, entertainment, transportation, technology and more from […]

Source: TIME


Conversion of Slagen Refinery to Import Terminal

Category: Business News

After a thorough Information and Consultation process with employees and their representatives the Board of Directors of Esso Norge AS has decided to convert its Slagen refinery to a Fuel import terminal. Slagen refinery operates in an increasingly challenging market, characterized by strong competition, evolving regulatory measures and falling demand leading to overcapacity in the […]

Source: ExxonMobil

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