Business News

Patentrettigheter på koronavaksiner: Positive signaler fra USA

Category: Business News

– Det er veldig positivt at USA nå signaliserer at de vil engasjere seg for å finne en løsning i forbindelse med patentrettigheter på koronavaksiner som er mindre vidtrekkende enn forslaget som opprinnelig lå på bordet, og som det var stor uenighet om, sier utenriksminister Ine Eriksen Søreide – Norge har hele tiden arbeidet for […]


Published: May 5, 2021


Policy rate unchanged at zero percent

Category: Business News

Norges Bank’s Monetary Policy and Financial Stability Committee has unanimously decided to keep the policy rate unchanged at zero percent. In Monetary Policy Report 1/21, which was published on 18 March, the policy rate forecast indicated a gradual rise from the latter half of 2021. Economic developments have been largely in line with the projections in the […]

Source: Norges Bank

Published: May 6, 2021


Norway to introduce vaccine certificates in June

Category: Business News

Norway will introduce verifiable vaccine certificates in early June, allowing holders to gain admittance to events held in Norway, with an updated, EU-compliant version to be rolled out in late June, Prime Minister Erna Solberg said on Wednesday.

Source: Reuters

Published: May 5, 2021


Emerging open cloud security framework has backing of Microsoft, Google and IBM

Category: Business News

Each of the big cloud platforms has its own methodology for passing on security information to logging and security platforms, leaving it to the vendors to find proprietary ways to translate that into a format that works for their tool. The Cloud Security Notification Framework (CSNF), a new working group that includes Microsoft, Google and IBM is trying to create a new open and standard way of delivering this information.

Source: TechCrunch

Published: May 5, 2021


America is Getting Ready for Its Post-Pandemic Glow-up

Category: Business News

America is getting ready for its post-pandemic glow-up. Peak sweatpant has passed and high heels are hot again, in the ultimate symbol of an economy ready to let loose. Americans are booking beauty services, buying going-out clothes again, and readying for a “hot vax summer” as they emerge from lockdown looking and feeling different than they […]

Source: Business Insider

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