Business News

The U.S. Department of Transportation Approves Norse Atlantic Airways’ Application for Transatlantic Flights


Category: Airline / Travel

The United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) has approved Norse Atlantic Airways’ application for the operation of flights between Norway/The European Union and the United States.   “We are thrilled by the Department of Transportation’s approval of our affordable transatlantic flights. This significant milestone brings Norse one step closer to launching affordable and more environmentally friendly […]

Source: Norse Atlantic Airways


U.S. Chamber CEO Suzanne Clark: Competition is Critical to America’s Future, Warns Against Government Overreach

Category: Business News

WASHINGTON, D.C.— In her first State of American Business address, U.S. Chamber President and CEO Suzanne P. Clark highlighted the innovation and resilience of American business while warning against increasing government overreach stifling competition and free enterprise.  “The state of American business is competitive,” said Clark. “Businesses are not simply competing to win today, but […]

Source: US Chamber of Commerce


Electric Cars Hit 65% of Norway Sales as Tesla Grabs Overall Pole


Category: Automobile / Transport

OSLO (Reuters) – Electric cars made up nearly two thirds of Norway’s new sales in 2021, with Tesla the top selling automobile brand overall, as the country pursues its goal of becoming the first to end the sale of petrol and diesel cars. While Norway, with a population of 5.4 million, has the world’s highest […]

Source: US News


Bedrifter står klare til å vaksinere

Category: Business News

Bedrifter innen helse og velferd over hele landet kan bistå med vaksinering og testing for å dempe smittetrykket nå på nyåret. NHO har kontaktet samtlige statsforvaltere om ledig kapasitet. – Vi er helt avhengig av et godt samarbeid mellom private og offentlige aktører for å få opp vaksinasjonsgraden, sier direktør for arbeidsliv i NHO, Nina […]

Source: NHO


F-35 Takes Over QRA Mission from F-16

Category: Business News

Thursday 6 January 2022 was a historic day for the Royal Norwegian Air Force. On this day, Norway’s new F-35s officially took over the QRA mission, ending the F-16 fleet’s 42 year-long mission serving Norway and NATO. The formal transfer of authority from F-16 to F-35 took place at Evenes Air Base in northern Norway […]

Source: F-35 Lightning II - Lockheed Martin

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