Category: Business News
Aker Solutions and SLB Capturi have been awarded a contract for the carbon capture and storage solution at Hafslund Celsio’s waste-to-energy plant in Oslo, Norway. The contract will deliver a carbon capture plant, a liquefaction system, temporary storage, and loading facility at the waste incineration site. It also includes an intermediate CO2 storage and ship […]
Source: World Oil
Category: Business News
Lars Hanseid har jobbet som leder i det globale konsernet 3M i over tre tiår. Fleksibilitet, eventyrlyst og høye ambisjoner har vært grunnpilarer for å lykkes. For andre som ønsker seg en internasjonal lederstilling råder han til å ta en større grad av risiko og ikke være redd for det ukjente. Hanseids lange utenlandsopphold startet […]
Source: BackerSkeie
Category: Business News
Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace (‘KONGSBERG’) has been awarded a $70m firm-fixed-price modification to a previously awarded contract for the Joint Strike Missile, according to a statement by the US Department of Defense. The modification brings the total cumulative face value of the contract to $208m. Work will be performed at Kongsberg, Norway, and is expected to […]
Category: Business News
By Minister of Defence Bjørn Arild Gram Distinguished Audience, “We lived in a democracy. But then, we felt the walls closing in around us.” These words were spoken by Gunnar Sønsteby to a school class in Rjukan in the film Nr. 24. “We felt the walls closing in around us.” In just over a month, Russia’s brutal […]
Source: Regjeringen
Category: Business News
Today, Norway and the U.S. signed a Technology Safeguards Agreement (TSA), which will facilitate the launch of U.S. launchers and satellites from Andøya Spaceport. – The agreement is a major step toward making Andøya one of the world’s most attractive locations for satellite launches. The U.S. is the world’s largest satellite market. Norway and Andøya […]
Source: Regjeringen