Category: Business News
The NASA Near Space Network has integrated four antennas which are now operational. KSAT is contributing to the network with two ka-band antennas located in Svalbard and Punta Arenas. NASA’s Near Space Network enables spacecraft exploring the solar system and Earth to send back essential science data for researchers and scientists to investigate and make […]
Source: KSAT
Category: Business News
(HOUSTON) The critical role of LNG in meeting shipping’s decarbonization goals was detailed by Christopher J. Wiernicki, ABS Chairman, President and CEO in a keynote speech to U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) leaders at the Liquefied Gas and Alternative Fuels Senior Executive Forum. “We are going to have to begin to balance what we’re facing today, […]
Source: ABS
Category: Business News
Klima- og miljøminister Espen Barth Eide (Ap) og næringsminister Jan Christian Vestre (Ap) har signert en intensjonsavtale om å inngå klimapartnerskap med næringslivet. Avtalens øvrige parter er arbeidsgiverorganisasjonene NHO, Virke, Spekter, KS, Kystrederiene og Norges Rederiforbund, og arbeidstakerorganisasjonene LO, YS, Akademikerne og Unio. – For å nå klimamålene og få til faktiske utslipp, må vi […]
Source: Regjeringen
Category: Business News
Equinor and partners Wintershall Dea and Petoro have made a commercial gas discovery in production licence 1128 estimated at between two and eleven billion standard cubic metres of recoverable gas, or about 12.6-69.2 million barrels of oil equivalent. Exploration wells 6605/1-2 S&A in the Norwegian Sea were drilled by the Deepsea Stavanger drilling rig. The […]
Source: Equinor
Category: Business News
OSLO, NORWAY — Governor Gretchen Whitmer visited Hydro’s headquarters as part of a five-day investment mission to Norway and Switzerland, focusing on attracting job-creating business investments, particularly in Michigan’s next-generation of automotive manufacturing and clean energy independence ecosystem. While meeting with Hydro, the governor thanked the company for choosing to construct a new facility in […]
Source: Leader Publications