Business News

Norge og USA tar initiativ til ny allianse mot miljøkriminalitet

Category: Business News

Klima- og miljøminister Espen Barth Eide tok sammen med USA initiativ til å danne en ny allianse mot miljøkriminalitet under et møte i New York i USA denne uka. Miljøkriminalitet er en av de største ulovlige økonomiene i verden. De som står bak, er ofte mektige aktører som opererer gjennom selskaper og kriminelle nettverk og […]

Source: Regjeringen


Norway Wealth Fund Sets Net-Zero Target for Portfolio Firms

Category: Business News

Norway’s $1.2 trillion sovereign wealth fund will require the companies it invests in to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest, joining many global investors in setting such goals to prevent the financial risks from a “delayed transition.” Just 10% of companies in the wealth fund’s portfolio have a net-zero target for 2050, even […]

Source: Bloomberg


Applicant for production licenses on the Norwegian Continental Shelf

Category: Business News

The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has received applications from 26 companies in connection with the announcement of APA 2022. — We need exploration and new discoveries to maintain the production of oil and gas over time, which is important both for Norway and Europe. The applications in TFO 2022 show very good interest among the […]

Source: Regjeringen


Space Force Partners with Norway to Launch Arctic Comms Satellites

Category: Business News

To extend the service life of the U.S. military’s current Arctic communications system, the Space Force will deploy a pair of communications payloads on Norwegian satellites in early 2023. The Arctic region is notoriously difficult for communications systems. “Communications satellites operating in geostationary Earth orbit do not cover the area of the Arctic,” according to […]

Source: National Defense Magazine


Vestre på grønt industribesøk i USA

Category: Business News

Næringsminister Jan Christian Vestre besøker denne uken USA for å styrke næringslivssamarbeidet som har dype historiske røtter. Mer målrettet samarbeid om grønn teknologi og muligheter for norske bedrifter, står sentralt under besøket. – Det grønne toget går nå. Det er et nytt politisk momentum i USA som er bra både for å nå klimamålene, men […]

Source: Regjeringen

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