Business News

Record Norwegian North Sea oil exports to help Europe fill Russian gap

Category: Business News

(Bloomberg) — Record exports of Norway’s Johan Sverdrup crude oil are set to help meet European refineries’ needs as a deadline to phase out Russian supplies draws closer. Loadings from the huge Johan Sverdrup field in the North Sea, operated by Norway’s Equinor ASA, will rise to 587,000 barrels a day in November, according to […]

Source: WorldOil / Bloomberg


Orkla invests in US ice cream ingredients and announces intention to seek a partner to further accelerate growth of its ingredients business

Category: Business News

Orkla Food Ingredients (“OFI”) has entered into an agreement to purchase 84% of the shares in Denali Ingredients, which is a leading ice cream ingredients business in the USA. The purchase price on a 100% and cash and debt free basis is USD 200 million, equivalent to NOK ~2.2 billion. Denali Ingredients has seen strong […]

Source: Orkla


How Norway Plans To Stay Ahead In The Climate Tech Game

Category: Business News

Norwegian startup stakeholders met this week during Oslo Innovation Week to discuss how to scale impactful solutions and overcome bottlenecks in order to stay ahead in the climate tech game. The Oslo Innovation Week is a collaboration between public and private, startup organisations and corporates, local and global companies. The conference has since 2005 been supported by […]

Source: Forbes


Report: The Fund in a changing world— The Government Pension Fund Global and new economic and political developments

Category: Business News

The Commission was appointed by Royal Decree on 3 September 2021 to examine which international economic and political developments may be of relevance to the Government Pension Fund Global some years into the future, as well as their potential implications for the management of the Fund. The Commission is hereby submitting its report. Its recommendations […]

Source: Regjeringen


Vil videreutvikle det bilaterale forholdet med USA

Category: Business News

I en rekke møter denne uken har forsvarsministeren diskutert USA og Norges langvarige og gode samarbeid. -Vi står i en spesiell sikkerhetspolitisk situasjon og vi ønsker å videreutvikle det tette samarbeidet vårt, sier forsvarsminister Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp). Forsvarsministeren har møtt sentrale amerikanske beslutningstakere under sitt besøk til USA. Flere tema har vært tatt opp. […]

Source: Regjeringen

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