Business News

Yara prices debut US dollar green notes offering

Category: Business News

Yara International ASA priced its debut offering of USD 600 million 7.378% Green Notes due 2032 (the “Notes”). The Notes will be issued pursuant to Rule 144A/Regulation S. Yara intends to allocate an amount equivalent to the net proceeds from this offering to finance, or refinance in whole or in part, one or more, new […]

Source: Yara


Five steps the US must take to double down on commercial diplomacy

Category: Business News

In recent years, China has greatly stepped up its diplomatic and commercial outreach to countries from the South Pacific and Latin America to Africa and the Middle East. In fact, in 2019, China overtook the U.S. in the number of diplomatic outposts it maintains around the globe. At the same time, Beijing’s trade and investment programs, including the Belt and […]

Source: The Hill


Norge og USA med felles initiativ for utslippsfri skipsfart

Category: Business News

Statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre og USAs klimautsending John Kerry lanserte The Green Shipping Challenge under klimatoppmøtet i Sharm el Sheikh mandag. Dette er et initiativ som skal øke innsatsen for grønn skipsfart. Norge vil og kan lede an i klimaomstillingen av skipsfarten, og regjeringen har meldt inn bidrag om økt innsats her hjemme og internasjonalt. […]

Source: Regjeringen


Kristiansund Kommune: Transforming the Norwegian public sector through the cloud

Category: Business News

Kristiansund Kommune is a municipality located on the western coast of Norway. A small town of just 24,000 inhabitants, Kristiansund has big aspirations for its citizens and believes in using technology to empower future change. Over the past few years, this has meant migrating to the cloud and using it to develop ground-breaking solutions specifically […]

Source: Microsoft


Skriftlig spørsmål fra Ingjerd Schou (H) til utenriksministeren

Category: Business News

SpørsmålIngjerd Schou (H): Hvordan vil nedleggelsen av generalkonsulatet i Houston, Texas, påvirke Norges arbeid med å ivareta de diplomatiske båndene til Norges viktigste allierte? BegrunnelseI en pressemelding 9. september 2022 varsler Utenriksdepartementet at generalkonsulatet i Houston, sammen med fire andre utenriksstasjoner, vil legges ned. Les svar HER.

Source: Stortinget

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