Category: Business News
A new report from Menon Economics finds that Norwegian ports investing in offshore wind can generate NOK 8.4 billion in annual value and employ approximately 6,400 people by 2030. The report was commissioned by Norwegian Offshore Wind, Eksfin, Invest in Rogaland, Invest in Bergen, and Invest in Agder. It’s the first of its kind to […]
Source: Norwegian Offshore Wind
Category: Business News
Delivering on our commitment to fight infectious diseases for more than a century. For more than 100 years, MSD has contributed to the discovery and development of novel medicines and vaccines to fight infectious diseases. With the growing burden of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), we’ve focused on stopping the increasing threat of AMR. Read full article here.
Source: MSD
Category: Business News
Regjeringen foreslår å øke bevilgningen til CO2-kompensasjonsordningen for industrien med om lag 1,7 milliarder kroner til 6,4 milliarder kroner sammenlignet med fjorårets budsjett. Samtidig foreslår regjeringen å øke kvoteprisgulvet fra 200 kroner til 375 kroner. Dette innebærer at industrien kun får støtte for den delen av kvoteprisen som overstiger 375 kroner. – Forutsigbarhet rundt ordningen […]
Source: Regjeringen
Category: Business News
Norway’s oil and energy ministry will streamline its name as the country looks beyond the hydrocarbons that today account for about a quarter of gross domestic product. From Jan. 1, Terje Aasland will take the new title of Energy Minister, the government said Monday, adding that the role of the ministry remains unchanged. The department […]
Source: Bloomberg
Category: Airline / Travel
Castlelake and its strategic partners including AirFrance-KLM, were selected to provide financing to SAS, as part of its Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings. Castlelake will provide a tailored financing solution that demonstrates our 18 years of aviation experience, creative structuring capabilities and relationship-focused approach. Read more about the transaction in the official announcement here:–announces-the-winning-consortium-including-details-of-the-transaction-structure/ Read article here.
Source: Castlelake