Business News

World Oil: Petroleum Activity in the High North report shows significant value in Barents Sea

Category: Business News

STAVANGER — The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate has presented the report Petroleum Activity in the High North. The report places the petroleum activity in the High North into a historical, international and technological framework. “We hope the report can contribute in a knowledge-based approach to the debate,” says Director General Bente Nyland, who presented the report […]

Source: World Oil

Published: April 3, 2019


CleanTechnia: Tesla Takes 31% Of Norway’s Total Passenger Auto Sales In March


Category: Automobile / Transport

Tesla sold around 5,700 vehicles in Norway in March, of total new passenger car sales for the month of 18,375. That’s around 31% of the market. Fully electric cars (BEVs) as a whole amounted to over 58% of Norway’s total new auto market, another record. With hybrids (both plugged and non-plugged) taking another 19%, this […]

Source: CleanTechnia

Published: April 1, 2019


Norwegian Seafood Council: Best ever first quarter for Norwegian seafood exports

Category: Business News

Norway exported 640,000 tonnes of seafood with an export value of NOK 25.6 billion in the first quarter of 2019. This represents is a decline in volume of 18 per cent but a growth in value of 7 per cent or NOK 1.8 billion measured against the first quarter of 2018. The volume decline was […]

Source: Norwegian Seafood Council

Published: April 3, 2019


Press Release: DNV GL supports Norwegian transmission operator Statnett in connecting renewable energy to the grid

Category: Business News

ARNHEM, the Netherlands, 28 March 2019 – DNV GL has been selected by the Norwegian transmission system operator Statnett to provide electrical design services for the development of a new composite high-voltage transmission tower. The project is part of Statnett’s Research and Development programme ‘Lean Line’, which is designed to build power lines in a safer, […]

Source: DNV GL

Published: July 17, 2024


Regjeringen: Tar sikte på å innføre dobbelt statsborgerskap fra januar 2020

Category: Business News

I fjor vedtok Stortinget regjeringens forslag om å åpne for dobbelt statsborgerskap. Kunnskapsdepartementet tar sikte på at endringene i statsborgerloven trer i kraft fra 1. januar 2020. Endringen gjør at nordmenn kan beholde det norske statsborgerskapet sitt, selv om de blir statsborgere i et annet land. Det samme vil gjelde utenlandske statsborgere som fyller vilkårene […]


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