Business News

Economic Perspectives: Address by Governor Øystein Olsen to the Supervisory Council of Norges Bank and invited guests, 13 February 2020


Category: Accounting / Financial

“We are now moving into the final phase of a period where domestic raw materials and energy sources have provided an essential basis for economic expansion. Hereafter, growth must increasingly rely on the production of finished goods in areas where we do not have a natural advantage.”[1] The same could be said about the challenges […]

Source: Norges Bank


Advanced Television: Telenor, Discovery Carriage Agreement

Category: Business News

Telenor, the Norwegian telco and owner of Canal Digital, has signed an agreement to distribute eleven Discovery channels in the country, as well as the Dplay streaming service. “We are very pleased to have reached a new and forward-looking agreement with Telenor,” said Tine Austvoll Jensen, CEO of TVNorge and Discovery Networks in a press […]

Source: Advanced Television

Published: July 18, 2024


E24: Norsk Wework-topp trekker seg etter at eiendomsgiganten girer ned ekspansjonen

Category: Business News

Wework har gått gjennom et krevende år med eierbytte, masseoppsigelser og en rekke kontroverser. Nå trekker den norske direktøren for ekspansjon i Norden og Nederland, Henrik Taubøll, seg fra stillingen sin i selskapet. – Det har vært et helt crazy år, sier Henrik Botten Taubøll, transaksjonsdirektør for Wework i Norden og Nederland til E24. Han […]

Source: E24

Published: February 11, 2020


E24: Norsk investorgruppe kjøper Domino’s i Norge: – Tidligere eier forstod ikke markedet

Category: Business News

Etter måneder med tøffe forhandlinger har en norsk investorgruppe sikret seg rettighetene til Domino’s i Norge etter at de britiske eierne har tapt millioner på Norge-satsingen. Målet er fremdeles å stå igjen som vinneren i pizzakrigen. Det var i oktober at det britiske selskapet Dominos Pizza Group ga beskjed til aksjonærene om at de kastet […]

Source: E24


Press Release: Hard Rock Cafe Oslo Debuts Its Most Extensive Menu Innovation With More Than 20 New Options


Category: Airline / Travel

Hard Rock Cafe Oslo is launching on February 14th the brand’s most extensive menu innovation in the company’s history with more than 20 new offerings. The Oslo Cafe’s new menu puts the spotlight on its lineup of all-new, award-winning Steak Burgers, headlined by the world’s first edible 24-Karat Gold Leaf Steak Burger™ that will benefit […]


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