Business News

European Commission: Commission adopts proposals to make EU-US agreement on tariffs effective

Category: Business News

The European Commission today published a proposal for a Council and European Parliament regulation to scrap duties on certain imports to the EU. In return, the United States will reduce its duties on certain EU exports to the U.S. market. This will put into effect the agreement announced by the EU and the U.S. on […]

Source: European Commission

Published: September 8, 2020


Press Release: Equinor partners with BP in US offshore wind to capture value and create platform for growth

Category: Business News

Equinor (OSE: EQNR, NYSE: EQNR) has entered into an agreement with BP (LSE: BP, NYSE: BP) to sell 50% non-operated interests in the Empire Wind and Beacon Wind assets on the US east coast for a total consideration before adjustments of USD 1.1 billion. Through this transaction, the two companies are also establishing a strategic partnership for further growth within offshore wind in the US. Currently Equinor holds […]

Source: Equinor

Published: September 10, 2020


DN: Tine Austvoll Jensen blir ny norgessjef i Google

Category: Business News

For én uke siden kunngjorde Discovery Norge at Tine Austvoll Jensen slutter som administrerende direktør for å bli toppsjef i et annet, hemmelig selskap. I en pressemelding torsdag morgen kommer det frem at Jensen tar over etter Jan Grønbech som ny norgessjef i Google. – Som et digitalt foregangsland er Norge et spesielt marked, og det […]

Source: DN

Published: September 10, 2020


Minister of Agriculture & Food Olaug Bollestad on the Export of Organic Norwegian Agricultural Products to the US

Category: Business News

Minister of Agriculture & Food Olaug Bollestad (KrF) recently replied to a written question (no. 2461) from Bård Hoksrud (FrP) regarding if she will work to land an agreement that will make it possible for Norwegian producers to export organic products to the US. Bollestad noted that in the absence of an equivalence agreement (the […]


Published: September 4, 2020


MAREX: IN THE KNOW Podcast 20 – DNV GL on Class in the COVID-19 Era

Category: Business News

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many things about the way that shipping does business, but safety of life at sea is still paramount. DNV GL, the world’s leading class society, has been working to keep the shipping industry safe since 1864; its core activities remain the same, but it has adapted its working methods to […]

Source: MAREX

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