
Preparing to Tighten, Olsen Says It’s Back to ‘Normal’ on Norway’s Krone


Category: Accounting / Financial

Norway’s central bank is revealing how it tried to support its economy at the height of the oil crisis that hit the nation in 2014. It reached for the most powerful tool it had: the nation’s floating currency. In an interview in Oslo on Wednesday, Governor Oystein Olsen said that back then it was clear […]

Source: Bloomberg


Norway to provide an extra NOK 130 million for the fight against marine litter


Category: Government

‘Norway is playing a leading role in the global effort to eliminate marine litter. The Government is proposing to increase funding for Norway’s development programme to combat marine litter by NOK 130 million in 2018. This programme is a key element of the Government’s general focus on the oceans, and an important contribution to the […]

Source: Regjeringen


Norway Eases Off Dipping Into World’s Biggest Piggy Bank


Category: Accounting / Financial

Norway expects to withdraw less from its giant sovereign wealth fund this year as a recovery in oil prices is boosting the country’s coffers. Western Europe’s biggest oil and gas producer is turning the page on the oil industry’s deepest downturn in at least a generation after output cuts from OPEC and others, coupled with […]

Source: Bloomberg


AmCham Statement on US Steel and Aluminum Tariffs

Category: AmCham News

AmCham Statement on US Steel and Aluminum Tariffs May 2018 The American Chamber of Commerce of Norway regrets the decision of the US authorities to not temporarily exempt Norway from tariffs and limits on imports of steel and aluminum. It is a destabilizing move, which is creating uncertainty for companies operating globally and could have […]

Source: AmCham


Avgiftssjokk fører til røde tall og nedbemanninger


Category: Financial / Investment

Bedriftene som er berørt av avgiftssjokket på alkoholfrie drikkevarer og sjokolade- og sukkervarer, sliter nå i motbakke. I tillegg går den stadig økende grensehandelen direkte utover bedriftenes konkurranseevne. Det viser en fersk medlemsundersøkelse gjennomført av NHO Mat og Drikke. Stortingsflertallets vedtak om avgiftsøkning gir en direkte effekt på lønnsomhet, omsetning og bemanning i 1 av […]

Source: NHO

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