Category: Business News
Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre announced at the UN climate summit (COP28) in Dubai that Norway will provide NOK 270 million to the new fund for loss and damage associated with climate change (Loss and Damage Fund). The decision to establish the fund was agreed on at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh last year. Over […]
Source: Regjeringen
Category: Business News
A budget to safeguard Norwegian households The budget for 2024 provides security and opportunity for people and businesses throughout Norway. There are expenditure increases in several areas due to war in Europe, a record number of refugees and higher prices. The Government’s priorities are good public services and support for the most vulnerable, along with […]
Category: Business News
Thank you, Dr. Johnson, for your welcoming words,
I am very pleased to be here at Luther College. A college founded by Norwegians more than 160 years ago. Its first president was Peter Laurentius Larsen – Laur Larsen. He was born in the town of Kristiansand on the southern coast of Norway in 1833. When Larsen grew up, Norway was among the poorest countries in Europe.
Source: Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Published: March 29, 2025
Category: Business News
DNV publishes Energy Transition Outlook North America. The report covers the energy future of the U.S. and Canada through to 2050 Policies are triggering massive investment into new technologies, accelerating the energy transition in North America Domestic fossil fuel demand declines 60%, mainly in transport and power sectors, but export remains stable while domestic energy […]
Category: Business News
Som følge av en ny beslutning i EU-kommisjonen om behandling av persondata, likestilles nå amerikanske virksomheter med europeiske. Dette betyr at prosjekter og tjenester i helsesektoren både i Norge og i EU kan vurdere bruk av amerikanske skyløsninger på lik linje med europeiske. For at en amerikansk virksomhet skal bli vurdert må den ha sluttet […]
Source: Regjeringen