
Bloomberg: Here’s What Lawmakers Want to Do With Norway’s $1 Trillion Fund

Category: Business News

Key lawmakers gave a nod to a range of changes for Norway’s $1 trillion sovereign wealth fund — from divesting some of its oil stocks, to an overhaul of its fixed-income holdings and tighter restrictions on coal investments. But even after one of the most eventful years in the fund’s history, more change could be […]

Source: Bloomberg


Bloomberg: Oil-Rich Norway to Stress Test Its Finances Amid Climate Risk

Category: Business News

Norway, western Europe’s biggest oil and gas producer, plans to stress-test its public finances with different price scenarios to better understand risks related to climate change. The government’s decision follows recommendations from an expert report last year on climate risk, and comes amid an intensifying public debate in the Nordic nation about the future of […]

Source: Bloomberg


MAREX: Nordic Countries Call for Ocean Plastic Treaty

Category: Business News

Nordic governments have become the first in the world to formally call for a global treaty to tackle ocean plastic. The call was made at a gathering of the environment ministers of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden at the Nordic Council in Reykjavik, Iceland.  In the declaration, the ministers for the environment are pushing […]

Source: MAREX

Published: April 10, 2019


Regjeringen: Tar sikte på å innføre dobbelt statsborgerskap fra januar 2020

Category: Business News

I fjor vedtok Stortinget regjeringens forslag om å åpne for dobbelt statsborgerskap. Kunnskapsdepartementet tar sikte på at endringene i statsborgerloven trer i kraft fra 1. januar 2020. Endringen gjør at nordmenn kan beholde det norske statsborgerskapet sitt, selv om de blir statsborgere i et annet land. Det samme vil gjelde utenlandske statsborgere som fyller vilkårene […]



Bloomberg: Oil Divestment List for Norway’s $1 Trillion Fund Isn’t Final

Category: Business News

Figuring out exactly which oil companies Norway is targeting for divestment wasn’t easy last week when the government made its historic announcement. It turns out no one knows precisely yet. After revealing it would allow its $1 trillion wealth fund to sell out of $7.5 billion in upstream oil and gas companies, the government disseminated […]

Source: Bloomberg

Published: March 1, 2019

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