
Government: APA 2019: New High Award Secures Further Exploration of the Norwegian Continental Shelf

Category: Business News

The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy offers 69 production licenses on the Norwegian continental shelf in the Award in Pre-Defined Areas 2019 (APA 2019). – I am proud to offer 69 new production licenses in this year’s APA round. The companies show great interest in further access to new exploration acreage. This means that […]



Regjeringen: Nikolai Astrup blir bærekraftsminister

Category: Business News

Digitaliseringsminister Nikolai Astrup får ansvar for å koordinere Norges oppfølging av bærekraftsmålene. I 2015 ble alle FNs medlemsland enige om 17 mål for bærekraftig utvikling. Bærekraftsmålene sier blant annet at verden skal bekjempe ulikhet, stoppe klimaendringene, sikre rene og sunne hav, og sørge for god utdanning for alle barn innen 2030. – Bærekraftsmålene gjelder alle land […]



UDI recommends that you wait to apply for citizenship until 3 February

Category: Business News

If you are planning to apply for Norwegian citizenship, we recommend that you wait until 3 February 2020. On that date UDI will publish new application forms on our website.   Published: 17.12.2019 From 1 January, dual citizenship will be allowed. Easier to fill in The new forms will be easier to fill in, and […]

Source: UDI


Regjeringen: Diskuterte handelskonflikt og biltoll med Ross

Category: Business News

Næringsminister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen møtte den amerikanske handelsministeren, Wilbur Ross, torsdag 14. november. De diskuterte den pågående handelskrigen, og biltollen som amerikanske myndigheter har varslet at de vurderer å innføre. – Mitt budskap i møtet med Ross var at norske bedrifter er med å skape jobber og verdier på begge sider av Atlanteren gjennom aktivitet, […]



Norway Today: Dual citizenship approved

Category: Business News

From 1 January 2020, Norwegians can become nationals of another country without losing their Norwegian citizenship, and foreign nationals no longer have to give up their original citizenship to become Norwegian.   “When we allow for dual citizenship, we ensure that Norwegian law follows developments in a more globalized world, where more and more people […]

Source: Norway Today

Published: October 11, 2019

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