
Biden Wants to Make Federal Government Carbon Neutral by 2050

Category: Business News

The Biden administration announced Wednesday it aims to buy its way to a cleaner, cooler planet, spending billions to create a federal fleet of electric vehicles, upgrade federal buildings and change how the government buys electricity. The executive order President Biden signed leverages Washington’s buying power to cut the government’s carbon emissions 65 percent by the end of the decade. […]

Source: The Washington Post


Vil forene krefter med USA for grønn omstilling

Category: Business News

Grønn omstilling er øverst på agendaen når næringsminister Jan Christian Vestre møter næringslivet og har politiske samtaler i New York og Washington D.C. denne uken. – USA og Norge har et langt og solid forhold, og nå vil vi forene krefter for å nå de globale klimamålene. Selv om Norge er et lite land, har […]

Source: Regjeringen


Stricter Coronavirus Testing Being Weighed for All Travelers to U.S.


Category: Airline / Travel

The Biden administration is preparing stricter testing requirements for all travelers entering the United States, including returning Americans, to curb the spread of the potentially dangerous omicron variant, according to three federal health officials. As part of an enhanced winter covid strategy Biden is expected to announce Thursday, U.S. officials would require everyone entering the country to […]

Source: Washington Post


Kronprins Haakon og statsråder til USA 5.-9. desember

Category: Business News

Kronprins Haakon besøker New York 6.-7. desember og Washington DC 7.-9. desember. På reisen deltar også utenriksminister Anniken Huitfeldt, olje- og energiminister Marte Mjøs Persen og næringsminister Jan Christian Vestre. Besøket er bredt anlagt og vil dekke blant annet besøk til FN, fremme av norske kultur- og næringsinteresser, klima- og energispørsmål, nordområdene og det bilaterale […]

Source: Regjeringen


President Biden Announces Key Nominations

Category: Business News

President Joe Biden announced his intent to nominate individuals to serve in key roles including: Marc Nathanson, Nominee for Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Kingdom of Norway Marc Nathanson is one of America’s leading communications entrepreneurs and a noted environmentalist.  He founded Falcon Cable TV in 1975 and in 1999, he became Vice Chairman […]

Source: The White House

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