
Stortingspresidenten med delegasjon besøker USA

Category: Business News

Stortingspresident Masud Gharahkhani og en delegasjon med fire stortingsrepresentanter besøker USA 9.–14. mars. Delegasjonen skal møte en rekke folkevalgte i Kongressen. I tillegg deltar de på en energikonferanse i Houston. Delegasjonen vil også markere 200-årsjubileet for utvandringen til USA sammen med det norsk-amerikanske miljøet. Les hele artikkelen her.

Source: Stortinget


Government: Joint Statement of the leaders of Ukraine and Nordic-Baltic Eight

Category: Business News

On 24 February 2025 in Kyiv, the Presidents of Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine and the Prime Ministers of Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, Norway and Sweden issued the following statement: We unequivocally condemn Russia’s ongoing illegal, unprovoked and unjustified full-scale military invasion of Ukraine. The outcome of the war will have fundamental and long-lasting effects on […]

Source: Regjeringen


Government: Norway to increase support for Ukrainian defence industry and procurement of drones for Ukraine

Category: Business News

The Government is planning to provide NOK 3.5 billion for the procurement of military equipment for Ukraine from the Ukrainian defence industry. In addition, Norway is now providing NOK 600 million for the procurement of various types of drones and for the development of drone technology for the Ukrainian armed forces. Read full article here.

Source: Government


Statsministeren møtte eksportbedrifter

Category: Business News

Statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre, finansminister Trygve Slagsvold Vedum, utenriksminister Espen Barth Eide og næringsminister Cecilie Myrseth møtte tirsdag 7. januar norske eksportbedrifter på Statsministerens kontor. Tema for møtet var konkurransekraft og markedsadgang i en urolig tid. – Vi lever i tid preget av store omveltninger og uforutsigbarhet. Det påvirker Norge som en liten, åpen økonomi. […]

Source: Regjeringen


Carter leaves influential energy, environmental legacy

Category: Business News

Former President Carter, who died Sunday at the age of 100, left behind a history of pioneering energy and environmental policy. In his single term in the Oval Office, Carter took a range of actions on issues that remained influential long after his presidency ended, from imposing new wilderness protections to creating the federal Department of Energy […]

Source: The Hill

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