
ACE US Week: Washington DC Virtual Outreach

Category: AmCham News

As the current circumstances have again prevented the ACE representatives from traveling to the U.S. to meet with each other and with relevant stakeholders, ranging from private and international organizations to key government agencies, they had the opportunity to meet with Washington DC partners through a series of virtual sessions in the scope of ACE-US Week: […]

Source: AmChams in Europe


AmCham deltar i Stortingets Helsekomite-høring


Category: AmCham Norway

— AmCham ser ingen grunn til at det skal være ulikt for offentlige anskaffelser av legemidler i forhold til anskaffelser i andre sektorer, eller helsesektoren for øvrig, sa Katja Dahl Murphy, Myndighetskontakt i AmCham Norway, på høringen om konfidensielle legemiddelpriser i regi av Stortingets Helse- og omsorgskomite tidligere i dag (torsdag). — Konfidensialitet rundt enhetspriser […]

Source: AmCham


AmCham Appears Before Parliamentary Health Committee Hearing


Category: AmCham Norway

“AmCham sees no particular reason why there should be a difference in the public procurement of pharmaceuticals as compared to procurements within other sectors – or the health sector in general,” said Katja Dahl Murphy, AmCham’s Member & Government Affairs Consultant, during a hearing examining the confidentiality of pharmaceutical discount pricing at the Parliament earlier […]

Source: AmCham


Event Summary: US Midterm Elections Unveiled

Category: AmCham News

“It is 2018, yet it is as if the 2016 US election campaign never ended,” Dan Renberg, a top Washington DC lobbyist and former US Senator Deputy Chief of Staff, said as AmCham and The Norwegian Atlantic Committee hosted The US Midterm Elections: Economic and Political Implications. Taking attendees through some of the key talking […]

Source: AmCham


The Norwegian–American Parliamentary Exchange Program

Category: AmCham News

AmCham, together with the US Embassy and the Norwegian Atlantic Committee, co-hosted a reception in honor of Norwegian–American Parliamentary Exchange Program (NAPEP) participants, who arrived Norway on Sunday as part of this 20-year diplomatic exchange tradition. NAPEP was established in 1997 and provides a unique exchange opportunity for US Members of Congress and their staff […]

Source: AmCham

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