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PharmaBoardroom: Pfizer’s Bourla & MSD’s Frazier: No Cutting Corners in COVID-19 Vaccine Development & Rollout

Top global pharma executives involved in the development of COVID-19 vaccines have stated their commitment to not rushing the release of any potential vaccine without it passing through the full clinical trial process and proving to be safe and effective. Albert Bourla of Pfizer and Kenneth Frazier of Merck (MSD globally) both made this commitment, with Bourla also hitting out against attempts by politicians to use COVID-19 for their own political gain.

Speaking at the IFPMA virtual media briefing on 3rd September, ‘COVID-19 therapeutics: innovation, trials and access’, Pfizer CEO Bourla revealed that Pfizer’s efforts to create a vaccine using the innovative but still unproven Messenger RNA (mRNA) technology are already “in a very advanced stage” and that 23,000 of the necessary 30,000 volunteer patients for its pivotal Phase III trial that began in July have been recruited. The trials are taking place across 125 sites in the USA, Argentina and Brazil, with Pfizer hoping to know by October whether the vaccine, developed in partnership with German firm BioNTech, is effective. Bourla stated his commitment to submitting the candidate for immediate approval if so.

Read entire article here

Nordic-American IDEA Hackathon – Apply Today!

Nordic-American Hackathon:

Working together to hack the climate change challenges of the present and future


Nordic City Solutions will be hosting a 6-week digital hackathon in October-November for Nordic companies interested in learning about and working with American partners on real active development projects in the United States.

Participating Nordic companies will have the opportunity to:

• Work on projects looking for Nordic partners and solutions to real world, active urban development challenges
• Be partnered with US-based companies for B2B collaboration including Black, Minority and Women-owned businesses in the United States
• Create shared value solutions to some of America’s most critical climate change, energy and urban development problems
• Meet, understand context for and work with Project Owners who will give feedback on proposals throughout the 6-week program
• Build relationships and learn about additional tender opportunities in the US for bids

Nordic Companies can choose from four active development challenges that will run in parallel via our online collaboration platform as part of the Hackathon

Learn more here

Amerikanere i utlandet: Stem ved valget! (Tidligere ambassadør Barry B. White i Aftenposten)

Rundt om i verden utgjør nasjonalisme, populisme og autokratiske ledere en alvorlig trussel for demokratiet og rettssikkerheten. For å holde demokratiene våre i live, må vi ta vårt ansvar på alvor når det gjelder privilegiet det er å stemme i valg.

USA, og store deler av verden, er stilt overfor utfordringer av tidligere ukjent omfang gjennom den globale covid-19-pandemien. Resultatene er økonomisk nedgang og økende forskjeller mellom rik og fattig, klimaendringer som eksistensiell trussel og – spesielt i USA – raseforskjeller. Amerikanske borgere som bor i utlandet, kan og bør delta i samtalen om disse problemene.

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E24: Kreftselskapet Vaccibody får milliardavtale før neste ukes børsnotering

Det norske kreftvaksineselskapet Vaccibody inngår avtale verdt opptil 6,7 milliarder med internasjonal legemiddelkjempe. Det er den største noensinne i Norge.

Vaccibody, som satser på kreftbehandling med immunterapi, har fått en global lisens- og samarbeidsavtale med Genentech, som inngår i legemiddelgiganten Roche Group, ifølge en melding fra selskapet.

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Forsvaret: Tre nye F-35 til Norge

I kveld, 27. september, landet tre nye F-35 kampfly i Norge. Totalt har Luftforsvaret nå mottatt 28 fly. 

Flyene tok av fra Fort Worth, Texas, i går ettermiddag norsk tid, og landet sent på kvelden norsk tid 18:40.

Luftforsvaret har så langt mottatt 21 fly Norge og 7 fly i USA som brukes til trening. Luftforsvaret er godt i gang med testing og opptrening på Ørland flystasjon og utdanning av personell på Luke Air Force base.

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Press Release: APA 2020 – Continued High Interest for New Exploration Acreage

APA 2020 – Continued High Interest for New Exploration Acreage

The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has received a large number of applications from 33 oil companies in the licensing round Awards in Predefined Areas (APA) 2020.

– In a challenging year for the petroleum industry, I am very pleased with the interest shown by from the companies for new licenses on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS). We have received a large number of applications, and this is important in order to make discoveries that will contribute to long term value creation, employment and state revenues, says Norwegian Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Ms. Tina Bru.

Awards in Predefined Areas (APA) is an annual licensing round for the best known areas on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. It now includes the larger part of all available exploration acreage.

At the application deadline 22. September, the Ministry had received applications from a total of 33 companies. The applicants constitute a broad variety of companies, ranging from large international companies to mid-sized companies and smaller exploration companies. The total number of applications is high, and at around the level of the last few years’ large licensing rounds.

– Predictable and stable framework conditions and an active licensing policy are two of the main pillars in the Government’s petroleum policy. The high interest expressed by the companies in new exploration acreage shows that our long term petroleum policy has the desired effect, also during challenging times, Minister Bru continues.

The APA-area is expanded as knowledge about the geology in areas on the NCS increases. The predefined area was expanded in the Norwegian Sea during the preparation for this year’s licensing round. The Ministry has  received interest both in the newly included areas and in the previously announced APA-areas.

APA 2020 was announced  June 19, 2020. The Ministry’s objective is to award new production licenses in the announced areas at the beginning of 2021. More information about the APA 2020 licensing round can be found here.


The first licensing round on the NCS took place in 1965. The activity started in the North Sea, and exploration in the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea started around 15 years later. Thus, Norway now has more than 40 years of experience in all Norwegian sea-areas.

The petroleum sector is important for Norwegian employment, and a considerable number of people are employed directly or indirectly in the industry. The competence and the competitiveness of the industry also provides considerable positive ripple-effects to other sectors in the economy.

Since the first oil-discovery was made, the sector has contributed with over 15 400 bn. NOK in value creation, and has given the Norwegian state a net cash-flow of over  6 500 bn. NOK this millennium. The state net cash-flow in 2019 from the petroleum sector was 257 bn. NOK. In 2019, the use of petroleum revenue in the National Budget equals more than 180 000 NOK for a family of four.

The award of new exploration acreage takes place in two equal licensing rounds. The numbered rounds takes place in the least known exploration areas, which for all practical purposes now means the deep-water areas in the Norwegian Sea and significant parts of the Barents Sea. Acreage in the best know exploration areas are awarded in the annual APA-rounds. As a consequence of the fact that exploration has been going on for decades, the majority of the North Sea, large parts of the Norwegian Sea and an ever-increasing area in the Barents Sea is today included in the APA-rounds.

The only difference in the process for the two rounds applies to how the authorities stipulates the applicable area. In the numbered rounds, the stipulation is done on the basis of proposals (nominations) from the companies. This gives the authorities the best possible basis for announcing the areas that will give the most information about the regional geology and thus, effective exploration. This approach is not needed in the APA-rounds, where the key challenge is to identify resources in a timely manner in order to best utilize existing and planned infrastructure in the area.  

The petroleum activity on the NCS is conducted within the highest consideration for health, safety and the environment. Exploration, development and production takes place with low emissions to air. Greenhouse gas-emissions is a part of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS). In addition, a high CO–tax is paid. This policy gives the companies financial incentives to reduce their own emissions.

The level of safety on the NCS is high, and normal exploration-activities, development and production has no proven negative effects on the natural environment. As in all other industrial activity, there is a risk of accidents that may have consequences for life, loss of infrastructure or damage to the environment. A strong focus has therefore been aimed at reducing the risk of large, unwanted incidents.

Potential damage to the natural environment is limited to large accidental oil spills. There has been very few larger oil spills on the NCS, and there are strict requirements in place for emergency preparedness in order to reduce the consequences in the event of an accidental oil spill.  During 50 years of petroleum activities, no accidental oil spills have reached Norwegian shores, and no damage to the marine environment has been proven.

The companies that have applied are:

• Aker BP ASA
• A/S Norske Shell
• Chrysaor Norge AS
• Concedo ASA
• ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS
• DNO Norge AS
• Edison Norge AS
• Equinor Energy AS
• Horisont Energi AS
• Idemitsu Petroleum Norge AS
• Ineos E&P Norge AS
• INPEX Norge AS
• KUFPEC Norway AS
• Lime Petroleum AS
• Lotos Exploration & Production Norge AS
• Lundin Energy Norway AS
• MOL Norge AS
• M Vest Energy AS
• Neptune Energy Norge AS
• OMV (Norge) AS
• ONE Dyas Norge AS
• Pandion Energy AS
• Petrolia NOCO AS
• PGNiG Upstream Norway AS
• RN Nordic Oil AS
• Source Energy AS
• Spirit Energy Norge AS
• Sval Energi AS
• Total E&P Norge AS
• Vår Energi AS
• Wellesley Petroleum AS
• Wintershall DEA Norge AS

Read original release here


Reuters: Norway holds rates at zero, hike still two years away

Norway’s central bank kept its policy interest rate on hold at a record-low zero percent on Thursday, as expected, and said any increase was still likely to be two years away, in line with its June statement.

Economists polled by Reuters unanimously predicted rates would remain on hold on Thursday, but some had expected the central bank to alter its forward rate curve to flag that an earlier increase could be considered.

Read entire article here

Agile: Plan to Adapt or Plan to Fail

Agile: Plan to Adapt or Plan to Fail

AmCham Norway, in partnership with Bain & Company and fellow Nordic AmChams, hosted an exclusive virtual session with Boston-based Bain partners Darrell Rigby and Steve Berez, authors of Doing Agile Right: Transformation Without Chaos. Rigby and Berez, drawing upon a combined 70+ years of international experience, explained how, if done correctly, agility has the power to transform work.

The two Bain partners and authors highlighted the importance of finding the right balance between optimization and control when working to simultaneously spur innovation and growth. When properly leveraged, agile can result in powerful innovation, without hindering efficiency or affecting reliability. Instead of reinventing the wheel and casting traditional operations to the side, the authors noted, companies should strive to bring innovation and operations back into equilibrium.

The central tenant of their argument was that businesses need to plan to adapt, as doing otherwise leaves companies destined to fail. Critical to this planning process is understanding that 70-90% of all innovations fail. These failures often occur due to a focus on the wrong product or service – misunderstanding customer needs in the process

All in all, the authors concluded, agile cannot be a goal in and of itself. It must instead be a means to develop a high-performance operation that accelerates innovation, delivering superior financial results, loyal customers, and creating happier, more productive team members in the process.

Press Release: KSAT Announcing Impactful Cross-Industry Collaboration with Microsoft at Ignite 2020

KSAT is announcing an impactful cross-industry collaboration with Microsoft at Microsoft Ignite 2020. By integrating their world-leading capabilities, KSAT will work with Microsoft to explore new ways to make satellite data more accessible through Microsoft Azure Orbital, which is a new ground station as a service from Microsoft enabling customers to directly ingest data from their satellites into Azure, for processing and storage.

By combining industry experience, technology and cutting-edge expertise in their respective fields, the two companies will explore innovative methods for transporting, processing, and storing large amounts of space-based data in a new and integrated way through Azure Orbital Services.

The space industry is a fast-growing industry. New satellites are launched almost weekly and the amount of information retrieved from space is increasing every day. Finding the most efficient and sustainable solution for managing these huge amounts of data and making it available for government and commercial users is increasingly important in the years to come.

As one of the world’s largest providers of ground communications services for satellites and launch vehicles, KSAT is dedicated to making sure the customer’s data gets from space to where they need it on Earth in a fast and reliable manner.

Rolf Skatteboe, President and CEO of KSAT said: “Communication with satellites via strategically located ground stations, extensive ground-based communication networks and cloud-based solutions is a future-oriented approach that can create opportunities for new ways of using satellite-based information. Being able to deliver satellite data and run resource-intensive computing such as machine learning techniques and other applications using cloud-based solutions will not only change the way we deliver our services, but also how our customers will be able to utilize this information in the future. This is why we are pleased to announce our collaboration with Azure Orbital to provide integrated, global support for transporting, processing, and storing space-based data.”

Some of the most important sources for updated knowledge about our planet are space-based sensors on satellites. Satellite data is used for weather forecasts and hurricane warnings, to detect oil spills and expose illegal fishing, as well as to monitor ice movements and sensitive ecosystems like tropical rainforests. Space-based communications infrastructure is also an important tool in emergency response scenarios such as search and rescue, maritime communications, and following the destruction of terrestrial communication networks (as in extreme weather or wartime scenarios).

As the world experiences more change, more information is required for developing appropriate response plans. More space-based platforms are being built to address this demand for more data. In turn, more satellites being launched drives a requirement for an expanded communications and processing infrastructure here on Earth.

This is about more than pure technology and two large companies. We live in a time of great challenges where climate change is an ever visible force, and natural disasters are putting all of us to the test. By making satellite-based information more easily available – and in the right format – we can contribute to increased knowledge, better preparedness and faster response. Providing this option for our customers, on top of the same high-quality and reliable services they can always expect from KSAT, then we can make a difference”, Skatteboe concludes.

Read original press release here

Now Hiring! AmCham Seeks New Member & Communications Consultant

Member & Communications Consultant

Deadline: October 14

Preferably a native Norwegian speaker with demonstrated written English expertise, you have working content development and media relations expertise, with exceptional professional collaboration skills. With a degree in marketing, communications, economics, political science, or similar, you have an acute understanding of the Norwegian political and business landscapes. US-based work experience and/or education is desired.

To be successful in this role, you function efficiently both autonomously and as a team player. You are a self-starter, capable of engaging stakeholders while simultaneously developing, managing, and delivering projects in a timely manner. Familiarity and mastery of digital content development tools is key.