All posts by admin

US Chamber CEO Thomas J. Donohue in the New York Times: Why the US Chamber of Commerce Is Suing the Trump Administration

Over the past few weeks, the Trump administration has decided to close the door to engineers, executives, information technology experts, doctors, nurses and others who come to the United States on work visas. It has attempted to ban international students from attending American colleges and universities that hold classes virtually in the fall. And it has shown an unwavering commitment to canceling the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA.

Taken together, these are the most restrictionist immigration policies in nearly a century. This is a fundamental mistake at a time when our nation’s economy is already suffering.

Read the entire opinion piece HERE.

Catalysts Founder & CEO Lisa Cooper Profiled in The Norwegian American

Lisa Cooper, founder and CEO of Catalysts, was recently profiled in The Norwegian American. The profile highlights her journey from the United States to Norway, her experiences with racism, and her work to build a more inclusive, diverse Norway through initiatives such as founding Catalysts – a non-profit organization that “works across Norway designing and implementing mentoring programs to promote the strengths and well-being of young people to support them in reaching their goals.”

Read entire article HERE.

Washington Post: Trump administration backs off plan requiring international students to take face-to-face classes

The government agreed in court to rescind an edict from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement requiring international students to take classes in person during the worsening pandemic. The rule, announced last week, was viewed as an effort by the Trump administration to pressure colleges into opening in the fall, and it sparked lawsuits from states and universities across the country.

Read entire article HERE

The Hill: Harvard, MIT sue to block Trump administration from stripping student visas amid pandemic

Harvard and MIT filed a lawsuit on Wednesday that seeks to prevent the Trump administration from stripping foreign students of visas if their universities move exclusively to online classes amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The lawsuit comes after U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced on Monday that international students whose courses move entirely online would be required to depart the country, rescinding a previous plan to grant exemptions to student visa holders.

The universities asked a federal court in Boston for a temporary restraining order and permanent injunction against the administration’s new policy.

Read entire article HERE.

Three Questions with BCW Oslo CEO Kristian Sarastuen


Kristian Sarastuen


During the COVID-19 crisis, BCW has held a number of insightful seminars on the art of communicating during crises, highlighting the need to truly connect to people. In today’s digital world, how can companies leverage communication to build personal connections with customers, stakeholders, and the general public?

As we emerge from this crisis, the way we communicate will forever be changed. We are seeing businesses shifting into recovery mode, which will require not just rebuilding but, in many cases, a transformation and very likely a digital one as well. At the customer level, people will fundamentally think, feel, and behave differently. We are seeing an uptake in ecommerce, increasing adoption of new technology, and a merger between physical and virtual interactions. We need to study consumer attitudes and behaviors to understand what is temporary and what will last – and how this will impact the way brands interact with them. With stakeholders, companies need to communicate their long-term visions and strategies effectively while forecasting business and societal realities in the short-term. In light of that, overall brand narrative and messaging may require calibration when it comes to engaging with the general public. At BCW, we are working closely with our clients to navigate the NOW and prepare for the NEXT. Rich insights, creativity and strategic communications will be essential to moving people and that is exactly what we do.

Through your work with the Norwegian Environment Agency (Miljødirektoratet), BCW has built up considerable knowledge about the barriers Norway’s municipalities face when working with environmental initiatives. Given the critical importance of corporate sustainability in today’s global business environment, what can companies learn from these insights? How can they better communicate on sustainability?

Sustainability has for some time now been a top priority for boards and leadership teams. Now the analytics, investors, and financial teams are starting to get sustainability into their key assessments. I would say that companies that, within their scope, are not able to deliver on sustainability will have an uncertain future. 

In 2018, a team of experts at BCW and I read through the sustainability reports of the 100 largest companies listed on the Norwegian stock exchange. Our findings and recommendations are clear: Be honest, concrete and report on progress – or the lack of progress. Showing how sustainability has become an integrated part of the overall business strategy and clearly linked to core business is much more valuable than just a lot of words and reference to the UN SDGs. The key leadership team within the company should also be fully committed. Again, action speaks so much louder than words. For most companies and organizations, it is of vital importance to attract young talent. For the most part, these talented young individuals want to work for a company that is making a positive change. They are well trained – they can see through nice words to find proof of real action. So in short: Showcase action – and do not oversell.

Describe your dream vacation in the US. Where would you go and why?

I can clearly see myself on a remote ranch somewhere in California or Montana, maybe near the Rocky Mountains, living a calm cowboy-esque life riding in the forest, relaxing by the campfire, and fishing, while learning more about the US, its history, and its traditions.

I also really, really want to experience a space launch, hopefully witness the first liftoff with a manned journey to Mars. It will clearly be US know-how that can pull off such a great undertaking and it will define a new chapter in our history.

BCW’s COVID-19 webinars continue tommorow with the Teams live event BCW Nexus: A Modern Approach to Public Affairs – Through & Beyond COVID-19 at 15:00 CEST.

Click here for more information and registration.

Pressemelding: Norsk selskap inngår F-35 avtale

Det norske selskapet Kitron AS har inngått en avtale med Northrop Grumman om produksjon av elektronikkmoduler til F-35 kampfly. Modulene er en del av flyets svært avanserte kommunikasjon-, navigasjon- og identifiseringsavionikk. Avtalen har en verdi på mer enn 170 millioner kroner, og har leveranser ut i 2021.

– Dette er svært gledelig og viser at norsk forsvarsindustri er konkurransedyktig i et internasjonalt marked, sier forsvarsminister Frank Bakke-Jensen.

Les hele pressemelding HER.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Hans Christian Heg was an abolitionist who died trying to end slavery. What to know about the man whose statue was toppled in Madison.

MADISON – During chaos at the Wisconsin State Capitol Tuesday night, protesters tore down two statues that have stood in front of the statehouse for decades — including one memorializing a Wisconsin abolitionist who died trying to end slavery during the Civil War.  

In other cities, statues of Confederate soldiers and symbols have been destroyed by those protesting racial injustice. But in Madison, the statue of famed abolitionist Col. Hans Christian Heg was torn down and thrown into Madison’s Lake Monona late Tuesday night. It had stood in front of the Capitol since 1925.

Read entire article HERE.

Thommessen leads the Norwegian M&A league table. What is next for M&A?

Thommessen has been involved in more Norwegian M&A transactions in 2020 than any other law firm according to Mergermarket. The market remains sluggish, and in this update, we are offering our thoughts on M&A deal activity ahead, as well as the potential impact of the current environment on M&A negotiations and deal-making.

M&A in the Time of Covid-19

The outbreak of Covid-19 has weighed heavily on the level of M&A activity. Deal-making is hampered by lack of risk appetite fuelled by difficulties in valuing businesses in times of operational disruption and uncertainty of new waves and restrictions. A buyer may struggle to become comfortable with its own valuation of the target, and it may be difficult to get the seller to agree to the purchase price that eventually is proposed. Further, even if the two parties should have a meeting of minds, the buyer may run into difficulties if the transaction relies on third-party financing since a lender may have its own views and reservations on the valuation.

Read entire article HERE.

World Oil: TechnipFMC lands three subsea construction projects offshore Norway

Equinor has awarded two contracts and issued a letter of intent to TechnipFMC for pipelaying and subsea installation for three projects on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS).

The projects in scope are Breidablikk and the Gas Import System for the Snorre Expansion Project, for which contracts have been awarded, and Askeladd Vest, for which a letter of intent has been issued. The Breidablikk contract has subsea installation as an option.

The total value of the three assignments, including the option, is about NOK 1.8 billion.

“We are pleased to award TechnipFMC new large assignments within pipelaying and subsea installation on the NCS. Giving three assignments to the same supplier enables efficiency gains and cost savings. It will also allow for a coordinated follow-up of the total delivery during the implementation phase. This creates value for all parties”, says Peggy Krantz-Underland, Equinor’s chief procurement officer.

Read entire article HERE.

Bloomberg: Norges Bank Governor Says Force of Economic Rebound ‘Surprising’

The governor of Norway’s central bank says he’s been surprised by the strength of the economic rebound in his country, as he signals an end to crisis interest rates roughly a year earlier than expected.

“The consumption of services is rising markedly, and consumption of goods has maintained itself all along and is growing now,” Governor Oystein Olsen said in a phone interview in Oslo. “The entire picture is a bit of a positive surprise for us.”

Norges Bank kept its benchmark deposit rate at a record low of zero on Thursday, as expected, after delivering three cuts earlier in the year to steer the richest Nordic economy through the Covid-19 crisis.

Read entire article HERE.