Relocation: Diversity as an Asset

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Relocation: Diversity as an Asset


Category: Culture / Lifestyle

‘We work constantly with diversity – we are a ‘people’ company. In order to work more effectively with our customers, we mirror the diversity of our clients’ global workforce. Not only in terms of our foreign employees but also with regards to our Norwegian employees.’ says Gaute Sømme, CEO of Relocation AS.
Gaute believes that creating diversity in the workplace starts with hiring policies – choosing employees from a diverse pool of talent.

’90% of our employees have expatriate experience and we also have foreign employees who have gone through the process of integrating in Norway. Collectively, our 18 employees have experienced living in over 12 countries and speak 10 languages.’

Yannick Busson is from France and has been in the relocation industry for over 10 years in France, Australia and Russia. His experience and contacts have put Relocation AS on the map in the relocation industry.

A mobility management company enters into agreements with partners internationally. Knowledge of different perspectives, cultures, norms and values are useful to establish relations and to negotiate good and effective agreements.

Cynthia Myrnes is from Singapore and has lived in Australia and now, Norway. She moved to Norway to be with her Norwegian husband 9 years ago and has not looked back since.
With her background and experience, we successfully achieved a contract to relocate assignees to Singapore. As a result of that first contract, we have obtained several more contracts to relocate assignees to other countries as well.

‘An important factor of why our Norwegian clients chose to use us for their global mobility relocations is because we know the Norwegian culture and are able to align with the company’s mission and values when it comes to venturing out globally. At the same time, we can assist the assignees with adapting to the cultural traits of the destination country in relation to the Norwegian culture.’ says Cynthia.

‘It is important to have a culture where everyone is respected, especially in spite of our differences. Here in Relocation AS, we have lively discussions and a focus on bringing the best out of everyone in order to provide the best possible service to our customers.’

‘The evidence is clear – diverse teams are more effective than homogeneous teams. Having various perspectives, cultures, experiences and backgrounds solving everyday challenges is the backbone of innovation. We can see problems anew, consider ideas that may go unnoticed and are able to create efficient and cost-effective global mobility solutions for our customers.’ says Yannick

‘The world is in constant change. Yesterday’s solutions are no longer feasible for tomorrow’s challenges. Having staff of different backgrounds, cultures and with different experiences is a good starting point for an unprecedented discussion in the design of tomorrow’s solutions. Workplace diversity is not a fashion statement, it is a necessity to ensure survival of the business in an increasingly connected world.’ says Gaute.

Source: Stavanger Chamber of Commerce