Tag Archives: Jennifer Vessels

Medium: Future-readiness: Global executives commit to action at Executive Growth Alliance Summit

“The future starts now” as global executives (industry leaders from Norway, Europe, UK, US, India and Africa during the Executive Growth Alliance Summit) collaborated on real world challenges and committed to moving their organization forward through:

· Thinking Big and saying yes to new opportunities

· Talking with / listening to customers, partners, competitors and peers

· Challenging oneself and others

· Taking risks and sharing failures openly throughout organization and either peers

· Embracing and seeking diversity

· Letting go of control to empower others to act and succeed

Lighting the Fire

The day started with Jennifer Vessels’ Silicon Valley to Oslo view of why future-readiness is critical for growth. Her fiery inspiration was kindled through perspectives from global thought leaders.

Chris Kutarna (Oxford Fellow/Author) opened by asking “Why is today is a unique moment?” He then took us back 500 years to see the renaissance of human dynamics, patterns and innovation before leaving participants with the question “Are you stuck in past or liberated to embrace future possibilities?”.

Thomas Anglero (Innovation Director IBM) answered with “Liberation comes through taking personal responsibility for where you are today and future actions”. He challenged all to face the future including the power of technology by getting in touch with our humanity and soul.

Leo Bottary (Author, Thought Leader) noted ‘innovative leadership is not possible in isolation’. Future-readiness requires peer collaboration — challenging one another, asking critical questions and asking better questions.

Mita Broca (Director, Xynteo) shared an example of the sustainable impact of peer executives from Global50 multinationals collaborating to reduce plastic waste in the developing world — while enhancing leaders’ competence and future-readiness.

Cheryl Turja (Director Education, Adobe) inspired creativity and commitment to a new future — achieved through taking ‘baby steps’ forward, exploring, learning, sharing success and failures openly with peers, customers and partners.

Lance Descourouez (Master Chair, Vistage) showed the path business growth through peer collaboration with examples of how leaders have embraced opportunities to achieve 300% annual profitability growth while innovating for the future.

Read entire article HERE.

Shifter: Stop talking, start innovating: How to achieve success in «Silicon Valley Style»

To gain real returns business leaders must stop talking and start being innovative daily in their actions, decisions and management approaches. In Silicon Valley innovation comes through action.

Jennifer Vessels, founder of Silicon Valley based Next Step, leader of Executive Growth Alliance and speaker.

Talk about innovation is everywhere – in board rooms, conferences, employee meetings and university classes. In 2019, it is estimated that over 10 billion NOK will be spent developing innovation competency in corporations, ministries and society.

And For Norwegian businesses to be innovative, leaders must: Be curious and listen for customer and market needs. Meet with at least one customer, partner or competitor every week. Ask open ended questions and really listen to their concerns and desires. Be open to their ideas and needs to stimulate creative ways to create value.

Read entire article HERE.