All posts by Margrethe Harboe

President Biden’s State of the Union Address

Madam Speaker, Madam Vice President, and our First Lady and Second Gentleman, members of Congress and the Cabinet, Justices of the Supreme Court, my fellow Americans: Last year, COVID-19 kept us apart. This year, we’re finally together again.

Tonight — tonight we meet as Democrats, Republicans, and independents, but, most importantly, as Americans with a duty to one another, to America, to the American people, and to the Constitution, and an unwavering resolve that freedom will always triumph over tyranny.

Read the full address.

Sanofi recognized by S&P as one of the most sustainability-committed companies

Paris, March 8, 2022. Sanofi was today recognized as one of the most sustainability-committed companies in an ESG Evaluation (Environment, Social, Governance) performed by Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings (S&P).

The ESG Evaluation awarded Sanofi a score of 86 out of 100 points, one of the highest scores across all sectors globally. Sanofi’s ESG profile was awarded 80 points for its solid fundamentals, completed with an additional strong preparedness opinion of 6 points awarded for its ‘excellent awareness of risks and opportunities’ and its capacity to ‘anticipate and adapt to a variety of long-term plausible disruptions’.

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International Women’s Day 2022

International Women's Day 2022

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, female leaders in AmCham Member companies representing diverse industries answer the question:

How can today’s leaders facilitate female participation in tomorrow’s top roles?

“Take a lesson from the energy industry, where HSE culture has been transformed to be the responsibility of all employees, not only those working in ‘infield’ positions.  Taking a similar approach for building a more equal culture can help unleash the talent we need to tackle the energy challenges of today.”

Wendy Lam

Product Director, Emissions Measurement & Detection

Baker Hughes

“I try to be a good role model, especially for my female employees, as this hopefully will be an example that they can relate to when they consider to take the lead. Furthermore, in our company we are careful to recruit both men and women in order to secure a balanced talent “pool” of future leaders.”

Andiara Nordang Fleischer

Nordic Regional Director LL.M.,

Crawford & Company

“As leaders we have to understand and address both unconscious and hidden biases in the workplace. Unconscious bias in this case refers to our personal prejudices where hidden bias are the systemic problems within our policies and processes. We need to eliminate both to truly facilitate female participation.”

Annabell Siem Mathiesen


Mercer Norway

“By creating inclusive and inspiring work environments that foster enthusiasm and growth. You need to start today to prepare for tomorrow, so today’s leaders need to offer the possibilities to show initiative and take responsibility.”

Kaia Tetlie

Managing Partner

Corporate communications

Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want is the best advice I have received. It is particularly important for leaders to encourage their female employees to take initiative in their careers. Use your voice and speak up, leaders always appreciate initiative!”

Nina Brandanger

General Manager

Hotel Continental

Three Questions with Bob Blue, Bonterra


Bob Blue

Founding Winemaker, Bonterra, California

Founder, 1000 Stories Bourbon Barrel Aged Zinfandel

When coming up with a new method for winemaking, such as using bourbon barrels for aging, where do you find your inspiration?

Similar to trends we see in the culinary space where consumers are interested in crossover experiments like fusion cuisines and exotic flavor-enhanced traditional fare, there has also been a demand for innovation in the beverage industry. We’re curious, and we like to push the status quo. We began aging Zinfandel in bourbon barrels as an experiment, and were blown away by the complexity and depth of flavor we discovered. Bourbon barrel aging is interesting because it is so powerful, and the reaction of the wine in the barrel is very fast. From a winemaker’s standpoint, the changes happen quickly, so you have to taste often and be very engaged with the process, working at a different cadence than regular winemaking.

How do you think American wines have developed the past 20 years, and where do you see them going from here?

In the US, we see a lot of interest in premium and above wines, which means consumers are investing more in their wines than ever before, and we also see a movement away from seasonality and tradition. Whereas before folks would stick to tried-and-true varietals and styles for certain occasions and seasons, we’re now seeing people jettison these notions and drink what they want, when they want. It’s very exciting, and we look forward to continuing to meet consumers where they are, and offer them quality wines that resonate. Looking ahead, sustainability and selectivity will be key factors as folks continue to seek out quality products with strong sourcing stories that showcase alignment with their values.

What are the most important things that winemakers have to think about today? Sustainability? Grape purity? Sourcing and supply chains?

We see the climate crisis as a key risk for all business, and certainly wine. That’s why our business sits down with legislators in our state and in Washington, DC to advocate for legislation in support of climate-smart practices for businesses, farms and society. We work with our grape suppliers to help them convert to sustainable practices, now with 90% of our supply chain certified. And all of that happens before we get the grapes into the winery! We’re laser-focused on quality for our wines, and quality of life for our colleagues. As a Certified B Corp, we’re held to higher standards for governance, worker fairness, environmental protection and community support—and we will continue driving on all these areas as essential counterparts to the everyday project of making wines people love.

Bonus question! Have you ever traveled to Norway, and where would you like to visit? 

Yes! I have been to Norway about five times starting in about 2001. Always to Oslo, which is a really enjoyable city to tour and enjoy great food. But on my most recent trip, just before the pandemic, I was able to fly from Oslo to Trondheim for a special dinner with consumers.  The city is beautiful and so interesting.  And then we drove out to Hitra island to see crab processing and have a lunch out on the island.  I loved the auto touring experience through the countryside, the tunnels and finally out to the beautiful seaside. Now on my dream travel list is to return Norway and drive the country on a vacation.

Honeywell Teams With AstraZeneca To Develop Next-Generation Respiratory Inhalers That Use Near-Zero Global Warming Potential Propellant

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Feb. 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Honeywell (Nasdaq: HON) today announced a commercial partnership with AstraZeneca (LON: AZN) to develop and bring to market next-generation respiratory inhalers that use near-zero global warming potential (GWP) propellants to treat asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Read full article.

The Unbeatable Strategy of Loving Customers

The Unbeatable Strategy of Loving Customers

The Nordic AmChams, in partnership with Bain & Company, virtually hosted a Winning on Purpose: The Unbeatable Strategy of Loving Customers meeting with Bain & Company co-authors Fred Reichheld and Darci Darnell.

Using their new Winning on Purpose book as a framework, Reichheld and Darnell demonstrated that in the interest of business success, the primary purpose of a business should be to enrich the lives of its customers. When customers feel this appreciation, they come back for more and bring their friends— generating higher returns across a wide array of industries.

Industry thought leader and co-author Fred Reichheld has pioneered work in customer, employee and investor retention. He has quantified the linkage between value, loyalty and profits by developing the widely adopted Net Promotor System (NPS), which measures an organization’s success in these areas.

From an investment standpoint, Fred urged investors to pay attention primarily to firms whose customers display a high level of engagement, as opposed to traditional financial performance metrics.

The core of customer love is being courageous, having the confidence that it will pay off in the long run. As a leader, give team the right to be courageous and buck the trend.”

True Customer Value

Co-Author Darci Darnell is a Bain Partner & Global Head of the Customer Sales & Marketing Practice at their Chicago offices. As a topic expert on customer loyalty, Ms. Darnell is responsible for Bain’s solutions within customer strategy, loyalty, commercial excellence.

Darnell emphasized the importance of giving employees the time and space to engage with customers, as those moments can generate true customer value. In addition, by leveraging data, the customers themselves can become the company’s own sales force, as they themselves know why they love the brand. With customer retention rates in check, where customers actively participate as brand advocates, sustainable growth models abound.

To hear all the insights, see the meeting recording on the top of the page.

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Nordic AmChams (1)

U.S. Chamber CEO Clark on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Suzanne P. Clark issued the following statement today on Russia invading Ukraine:

“Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a serious breach of international law, a violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty, and an affront to our steadfast belief in a world where democratic countries, following the rule of law and the free enterprise system, can be free and prosper.

The business community will continue to support the Administration, Congress, and our allies to ensure a swift and meaningful response to Russia’s aggression.”

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

AmChams in Europe Stands in Solidarity With the People of Ukraine


46 AmChams in Europe Stand in Solidarity With the People of Ukraine

Friday, 25 February 2022 – AmChams in Europe, the umbrella organisation for 46 AmChams in 44
countries across Europe and Eurasia, stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine. The ongoing
invasion of Ukraine violates international law and endangers peace and security across the region. It
poses a clear threat to fundamental values of human dignity, democracy, rule of law and solidarity.

Our thoughts go out to all the individuals who are directly impacted across the region, including our
fellow AmCham colleagues, their members, partners and relatives.

Our network brings together individuals and organisations with deep ties across Europe and Eurasia,
and around the world. It is built upon a strong belief in the importance of cooperation, dialogue and
cultural understanding. The military actions underway jeopardise those ideals.

AmChams in Europe supports all ongoing efforts to avoid further escalation, protect civilians and
safeguard security and prosperity across the region.


AmChams in Europe serves as the umbrella organisation for 46 American Chambers of Commerce (AmChams)
from 44 countries throughout Europe and Eurasia. In Europe, they represent the interests of more than 17,000
American and European companies employing 20 million workers and accounting for more than $1.1 trillion in
investment on both sides of the Atlantic. As a bilateral voice of American and European companies, AmChams in
Europe works to communicate the importance of the transatlantic economy in both Europe and the United
States. For a full list of members, please click here.

To download the statement, please click here.

Statement issued by AmChams in Europe.

Equinor to start exiting from Joint Ventures in Russia

Equinor’s (OSE: EQNR, NYSE: EQNR) Board of Directors has decided to stop new investments into Russia, and to start the process of exiting Equinor’s Russian Joint Ventures.

“We are all deeply troubled by the invasion of Ukraine, which represents a terrible setback for the world, and we are thinking of all those who are suffering because of the military action,” says Anders Opedal, President and CEO of Equinor.

Early this week Equinor will present a commitment to contribute funding to the humanitarian effort in the region.

Read full article.

AmChams in Europe stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine

Friday, 25 February 2022 – AmChams in Europe, the umbrella organisation for 46 AmChams in 44
countries across Europe and Eurasia, stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine. The ongoing
invasion of Ukraine violates international law and endangers peace and security across the region. It
poses a clear threat to fundamental values of human dignity, democracy, rule of law and solidarity.

Read the full statement here.