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AmCham Sustainability Forum: The Role of Business in Building Collaborative Solutions

AmCham Sustainability Forum: The Role of Business in Building Collaborative Solutions

AmCham Sustainability Forum participants gathered digitally for the latest edition of the forum, with Gard Special Adviser Kim Jefferies and Høyre Political Advisor Daniel Skjevik-Aasberg joining to address building collaborative sustainability solutions with the public sector, international institutions, youth, and environmental organizations.


Kim Jefferies

Special Adviser

Daniel Skjevik-Aasberg

Political Advisor

Make It a Part of the Job – and Consider it a Part of Everyone’s Job

Jefferies, an American transplant who has played a critical role in Gard’s work with the UN Global Compact Action Platform for Sustainable Ocean Business, opened up the session by highlighting Gard’s sustainability work – both at the international and local levels.


Jefferies offered participants insights based on years of experience, including serving on the editorial board of the UN’s Ocean Opportunities Report.


“If you’re company is looking to get more involved, do some research and find out what the infrastructure is out there. For us, it’s been great to connect to the (UN) Action Platform for Sustainable Ocean Business – and the great thing is that they have additional platforms for other business sectors.”


Critical to success, Jeffries noted, is that companies cultivate a genuine culture of enthusiasm around sustainability. By connecting passion with expertise, companies can better engage in transnational sustainability initiatives.

A part of Gard's extensive sustainability work with UN Global Action Platform for Sustainable Ocean Business has included serving as one of the maritme representatives for the UN COVID-19 Task Force.

“One lesson we at Gard have learned is that its important to have expertise within the company, and you also need to reach into your organization and find those employees who are passionate about sustainability…and give them space and support. Make it a part of the job and consider it a part of everyone’s job.”


To conclude, Jeffries shifted her focus to Gard’s local, youth-focused sustainability initiatives such as Gard Our Oceans. For her, the dialogues and sense of community engagement fostered by such initiatives represent a valuable opportunity to learn from youth – lessons that can then be taken back to the company.


“Many of the young people we work with know a lot more about environmental practices and the importance of climate change than we do as adults, and we can learn a lot of them through initiatives such as Gard Our Oceans. In fact, this really gives me hope for the future.”

Make It a Part of the Job – and Consider it a Part of Everyone’s Job

Daniel Skjevik-Aasberg, who served recently as Unge Høyre’s First Vice President in addition to his role as political advisor for the party’s parliamentary committee for labor and social issues, followed Jeffries, drawing upon his 10 years of youth political experience to discuss issues such as private-public sustainability collaboration, engaging youth, and collaborating with environmental organizations.


To begin, Skjevik-Aasberg noted the importance of financing green innovation and climate friendly business projects, touting organizations such as Enova, Innovation Norway, and Nysnø for playing crucial roles in providing the partnerships and capital necessary to build a sustainable future.


“One of the most important measures we can take is to ensure enough capital for green investments on a long-term basis. That will help accelerate green innovation, particularly in terms of public-private projects, such as the Longship and Northern Lights projects, as well as the Tampen Hywind project with Equinor.”


He also noted the importance of working not just at the national level to develop public-private sustainability initiatives, noting that there is an abundance of collaborative opportunities at the municipal (kommune) and country (fylke) level.

From there, Skjevik-Aasberg discussed how businesses can better engage youth and environmental organizations, noting the truly incredible impact these stakeholders can have in concert with business.


“We love meetings!” he proclaimed, noting that inviting youth politicians and other youth groups to companies via meetings, “sustainability days,” and sustainability forums can spark engaging dialogues, raise awareness about corporate sustainability efforts, and even lay the foundation for collaborative projects.


Collaborative projects featured prominently in Skjevik-Aasberg’s tips for better engaging environmental organizations, where the expertise of environmental organizations and the technical competence of companies can come together to build scalable solutions with a lasting impact.


To conclude, Skjevik-Aasberg reminded forum participants of the tremendous influence companies, youth, and environmental organizations can have when they work together.


“Companies and the climate movement, when they combine forces, can greatly influence government policy…I think it’s better for businesses to use the engagement of environmentalists in a more constructive and productive way, developing new projects and furthering innovations.”

About the Sustainability Forum

Many AmCham companies have been on the sustainability journey for some time, while others are trying to find their way to a sustainable future. Though our members are represented through the full spectrum, we know that several are at the forefront within their respective industries.

Hence, AmCham brings select, cross-industry member company representatives together on a quarterly basis to discuss opportunities, share best practices and find out how AmCham members can play a role in the Norwegian sustainability agenda going forward. Read more about our Sustainability forum here, and please contact us for interest in future forums at

Uncertainty is the Only Certainty: US Election Update and Impacts

Uncertainty Is the Only Certainty: US Election Prognosis and Impacts

Hosted in full accordance with the latest COVID-19 regulations at Radisson Blu Scandinavia, AmCham member leaders gathered for US Election Updates and Impacts – the latest edition in AmCham’s ongoing US Election series.


Featuring former US Ambassador Barry B. White, Kelly Ann Shaw, Eirik Bergesen, Hilde Restad, and Knut Magnussen, issues addressed ranged from Presidential, Senate and House elections to trade, foreign, and defense policy positions under a Biden or Trump II administration. To cap it off, participants engaged panelists in a highly interactive Q&A session, leading to robust exchanges on multilateralism, media coverage of the elections, the role of science in the public space, and US trade and tariff policy going forward.


Ambassador Barry B. White

Kelly Ann Shaw

Eirik Bergesen

Hilde Restad

Knut Magnussen

Ambassador White Returns to Norway

The session opened with Barry B. White, who joined virtually from Boston. White gave an impassioned rundown of the US election, noting that the Democrats hope to take states such as Florida, Iowa, and Ohio (among others), and perhaps could even put Republican stronghold states such as Georgia and Texas in play. Striking a note of caution, however, Ambassador White also reminded participants it was critical for Democrats to retain swing-states such as New Hampshire, Nevada, and Minnesota.


The ambassador then put his pundit hat on to break down the business cases for both Trump and Biden. Arguments for Trump rest upon tax reductions and deregulation, whereas perceived Biden policies offer businesses increased predictability, flow of labor and a refined trade posture. White also highlighted competitive Senate contests in Colorado, Arizona, Maine, Iowa, North Carolina, Montana, and Georgia.


Quoting American poet Maya Angelou, Ambassador White noted that “people will forget what you have said and what you have done, but people will never forget how you make them feel.” The election, therefore, may very well be decided by how Trump has made the American people feel on issues such as healthcare, the economy, jobs, and race.

Trade in a Time of Rising Economic Nationalism

Hogan Lovells Partner and former White House Deputy Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs Kelly Ann Shaw joined from the nation’s capital to discuss the evolution of trade policy in a Biden or Trump II administration. Shaw, who also played a critical role in the China Phase I and USMCA negotiations and served as the lead negotiator for the US for the G-20, G-7, and APEC, noted that a sudden change in US trade policy in the event of a Biden presidency is unlikely.


“Trade is just as much controlled by Congress as the President – and the outcome of the Senate and House races will therefore be just as influential as the presidential elections,” she added.


Tariffs, she said, would be difficult to unwind for either potential administration, noting the “genie is out of the bottle” when it comes to the use of tariffs and active enforcement to achieve a variety of economic, security, and political objectives. There is bipartisan support in Congress for tougher stances on trade and multilateral trade organizations such as the WTO, and negotiations with China.


On the area of trade negotiations, however, Shaw foresees key differences between Trump and Biden administrations. She noted that Biden will not engage in any trade negotiations in his first year in office, putting economic agreement negotiations with the UK, Kenya, and possibly the EU on hold. Trump, in contrast, would continue such negotiations.


The focus for either candidate, however, both among the electorate and on the Hill, is squarely on domestic issues, not foreign policy and global trade, a trend further entrenched by COVID-19.


“COVID-19 can lead to more economic nationalism. Until we get our respective houses in order, there will be less emphasis on what we can do together, meaning that the differences will be on the margins.”


It was a sentiment she added to during the Q&A session, where she examined the logic behind US participation in various multilateral trade organizations.


“In many ways, the US is between a rock and a hard place. It is often thought that we can either stay in institutions stuck in last century’s ways of thinking or give China global leadership – these are not good alternatives; a third way forward has not yet emerged. In this regard, where the US remains committed does not get enough airplay.”

Commentary from Norwegian US Experts

In-person panelist and Bjørknes University College Associate Professor Hilde Restad, put White’s and Shaw’s comments in the broader historical context, noting that it was conservatives promoting free trade who were the first opponents of the President’s unique personal brand of economic nationalism. Trump’s actions, Restad added, would take time to recover from.

“While the US can revert to working to achieve consensus internationally, the idea that the US will simply snap back as if nothing happened is not workable.”

Fellow panelist Eirik Bergesen, host of TV 2’s Trumps verden, drew upon his experience as a Norwegian diplomat when adding that the idea of putting a country first is not necessarily radical in and of itself, it is rather Trump’s zero-sum negotiating style, the conflation of America First with Trump First that creates challenges.

Calling upon his extensive economic background, DNB Senior Economist Knut Magnussen, like Shaw, focused on the economic and trade policy ramifications of either potential administration.

“Whether it’s termed ‘America First’ or ‘Buy American,’ trade policy won’t significantly change either way. We can’t hope for tariff reductions or agreements.”

A change in NATO and defense spending is unlikely, regardless of changes within the US administration, Magnussen noted,   citing that Norway’s secure economic situation vis-à-vis COVID, and the continued decline of Oslo’s relationship with Moscow, will likely translate to Norway continuing to spend at or above the two percent GDP target. 

Q&A Session and Conclusion

At the conclusion of the panel, audience members engaged presenters on a diverse range of topics, including the Trump administration’s recent surprise imposition of steep aluminum tariffs and the importance of multilateralism.


During the Q&A session, Shaw and White both noted the extensive professionalism of the Norwegian MFA, with Shaw adding that “if any country can navigate a relationship with the US in the years to come, it’s Norway.”


Shaw added that regardless of who wins the election, volatility and uncertainty will be tough to avoid. “Uncertainty is our future – and what is certain is that it will be uncertain.”


“I truly believe that 65-70% of Americans agree on most issues. However, it’s getting through the political noise that’s challenging, given that the partisan divide can seem so great,” concluded Ambassador White in an uplifting, unifying tone.

Ap's Jette Christensen and Hydro's Egil Hogna ask questions durring the Q&A session.

Aftenposten: Ingvild Tennfjord – En filmreplikk endret amerikanske viner

USA er et svært land. Sett fra Norge fyller det vår bevissthet, og i stor grad også medieflatene. Men la oss sette vinbrillene på oss. Med dem ser landet ganske annerledes ut. I polhyllene er USA ganske lite. Italia er tre ganger større, for eksempel. Og ikke minst er landet delt, med et stort hull i midten. La oss ta en nærmere kikk.

Les hele saken her

Business Wire: Equinor Ready to Expand Offshore Wind in New York, Invest Locally

NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Today, Equinor submitted bids into New York’s second offshore wind solicitation, building on its strong commitment to deliver renewable energy to the Empire State. In keeping with New York’s commitment to a just energy transition Equinor would provide large investments in economically disadvantaged communities.

Equinor submitted its proposals to the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) in response to the state’s most recent solicitation requesting proposals for up to 2,500 megawatts of offshore wind and a multi-port infrastructure investment plan.

Read entire article here

Airport Business: World’s Largest Remote Towers Centre Opens in Norway

Avinor, the Norwegian airport operator and air navigation services provider, opened the world’s largest Remote Towers Centre in Norway on 20 October 2020.

This important achievement would not have been possible without the R&D work performed in the SESAR Programme, where Avinor was instrumental in delivering the multiple remote tower solutions that are now being deployed at several locations in Europe.

“Aviation is the backbone of Norwegian infrastructure and ensures connectivity across vast distances,” says Knut Arild Hareide, Norwegian Minister of Transport and Communications. “Avinor’s new Remote Towers Centre located in Bodø, north of the Arctic Circle, will play an important role in maintaining a sustainable aviation structure in the future. This is a result of the collaboration between Avinor and KONGSBERG, where the companies have utilised complementing areas of expertise in order to build a system which will strengthen the aviation sector. Digitalisation is an important part of Norway’s future and we are pleased that the aviation sector leads the way in this regard.”

Read entire article here

Hydro appoints Paul Warton EVP Extruded Solutions

Paul Warton, business unit president at global aluminium company Constellium, has been appointed Executive Vice President for Hydro’s Extruded Solutions business area.

Warton (59) will report to President and CEO Hilde Merete Aasheim and join the Corporate Management Board. He will start his new position on February 1, 2021, replacing Egil Hogna, who will leave Hydro to become CEO at Nordic consultancy Norconsult.

Warton has extensive experience from the aluminium industry, including different leadership positions in U.S.-based aluminium company Alcoa and in aluminium extrusions company Sapa, now a part of Hydro.

He has worked in Constellium since 2010, where he is currently global business unit president for Automotive Structures and Industry. He holds a degree in production engineering from the University of Birmingham and an MBA from London Business School.

Hogna will leave Hydro on December 1, 2020. Erik Fossum, Head of Precision Tubing in Extruded Solutions, will act as Executive Vice President of Extruded Solutions until Warton joins Hydro on February 1, 2021.

Read original news article here

Wall Street Journal: Judge Partially Blocks Trump Administration From Enforcing Visa Ban

A federal judge in San Francisco has blocked the Trump administration from enforcing its ban against many of the biggest U.S. companies bringing in foreign workers under H-1B and other employment-based visas.

The ruling applies to workers for companies represented by the plaintiffs in the suit: the National Association of Manufacturers, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National Retail Federation and TechNet.

Read entire article here

DN: Teknologiselskapet Airthings prises til 1,79 milliarder kroner i forbindelse med børsnotering

Teknologiselskapet Airthings lager sensorer for å måle luftkvalitet, og har hatt kraftig vekst internasjonalt de siste årene. Børsnotering neste år har vært planlagt siden i sommer, men planene er blitt fremskyndet den siste tiden.

Nå er det klart at handelen på Merkur Market åpner på eller rundt 30. oktober.

I forbindelse med børsnoteringen vil Airthings hente rundt 870 millioner kroner gjennom en rettet emisjon. Bruttoprovenyet vil lande på rundt 500 millioner kroner.

Les hele saken her

Art at Work: How AmCham Member Featuring Spaces is Building Brands and Shaking Up Corporate Office Design

An AmCham Member Company Profile

Art at Work

How AmCham Member Featuring Spaces is Building Brands and Shaking Up Corporate Office Design

With a finger on both Norwegian and global trends, Featuring Spaces is helping companies redefine Norwegian restaurants, hotels, and office spaces with dynamic paintings, photos, and installations – many produced locally from the company’s Skøyen headquarters.

Featuring Spaces is among a select group of actors that is bringing Norwegian office, hotel, and restaurant design to fore, with Norwegian design steadily gaining more and more acclamation in design-oriented international publications such as Monocle.

However, Featuring Spaces Art Consultant Tinius Greve notes that this was not always the case.

“Ten years ago, the scene here in Oslo and Norway was much more dormant. Now it’s completely different, you have hotels and restaurants competing on the world stage, and this competition extends to design as well – Norway is really making a name for itself.”

“If you start off telling them what they need, instead of listening to what they want, you’re not building a great framework for a collaborative relationship. What we focus on is asking our clients what they like before we do anything else – and after that, we can go wild with different suggestions.”

Tinius Greve

Featuring Spaces

Tinius and his colleague, Featuring Spaces Director Einar Halto, work hand-in-hand with clients to bring together diverse pieces that range from limited run prints of American rapper Tupac Shakur to commissioned work from Norwegian artists as Sofie Vesterøy. It is all a part of an open creative process that unites office design with a company’s overall brand profile – a process where listening first and advising second is key.

“We approach each and every client differently. We do a lot of research before we meet, looking at their communications profile to understand what image or message they want to convey and figuring out how our works can contribute to that message,” Greve says.

“If you start off telling them what they need, instead of listening to what they want, you’re not building a great framework for a collaborative relationship. What we focus on is asking our clients what they like before we do anything else – and after that, we can go wild with different suggestions.”

A Testament to Collaboration

Evocative of this collaborative approach to working with clients is Featuring Spaces’ work for fellow AmCham member Hotel Continental.

“In the beginning, they just needed some framing,” Greve recalls with a laugh.

“Then we had one meeting, another after that, and soon enough, six or seven more. We really tried to understand what they were trying to do, and after a year, we were playing a key part in the most extensive refurbishment in the hotel’s history, providing everything from custom works to framing, of course.”

By utilizing both commissioned work by Norwegian artists as well as works from around the world, Featuring Spaces effortlessly fused the traditional with the contemporary, deftly blending local notes with global influences to create a uniquely Norwegian, yet distinctly cosmopolitan style evocative of the hotel’s storied international history.

Skøyen Production

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The Miami Connection

Featuring Spaces is represented in the US by sister company ICArt in Miami, where they have numerous projects and have participated in the Cruise Ship Interior Expo. While ICArt retains a distinct maritime profile, Featuring Spaces aims to leverage ICArts US footprint to establish itself stateside, providing an important launching pad for Norwegian artists looking to break into the US market along the way.