All posts by Margrethe Harboe

Norway’s Economy to Surpass Pre-Pandemic Level This Year

The Norwegian economy is set to surpass its pre-pandemic size by the end of 2021 amid a strong rebound in growth, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said in a report on Monday. Mainland gross domestic product (GDP), a key measure that excludes the volatile impact from Norway’s oil and gas output, is projected to swing to growth of 3.2% in 2021, the IMF said, from a 2.5% contraction last year.

In the medium term, the size of the economy is now expected to be only slightly below its original trajectory as seen before the COVID-19 outbreak, it added. Norway was among the first countries in Europe to impose a national lockdown last year, followed by rapid interest rate cuts and a surge in fiscal spending from the country’s $1.3 trillion sovereign wealth fund, the world’s largest of its kind.

“The strong policy response has helped the country to experience one of the lowest infection rates and among the smallest economic contractions in Europe,” the IMF wrote.

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Internasjonalt samarbeid, bærekraft og grønne løsninger var tema for digitalt besøk til California

Internasjonalt samarbeid, bærekraft og grønne løsninger sto på dagsorden da kronprins Haakon besøkte San Francisco denne uken. Med i følget var utenriksminister Ine Eriksen Søreide, næringsminister Iselin Nybø, olje- og energiminister Tina Bru og en norsk næringslivsdelegasjon.

– I en tid med reiserestriksjoner ønsker vi å prøve ut nye virkemidler for å fremme Norge og norske næringslivsinteresser, og vi planla derfor dette digitale California-besøket grundig. Gjennom dette besøket fikk vi en god anledning til å diskutere hvordan internasjonalt samarbeid, forskning og ny teknologi kan bidra til en bærekraftig framtid og verdiskaping, sier utenriksminister Ine Eriksen Søreide.    

California er USAs mest folkerike delstat, verdens femte største økonomi og hjem for flere av verdens største teknologiselskaper. Delstaten har en nasjonal og global lederrolle i å utvikle og investere i klimatiltak og grønn teknologi. Norge har hatt en samarbeidsavtale om klimaspørsmål med California siden 2017. På president Bidens klimatoppmøte i forrige uke så vi også at USA på nytt mobiliserer på klimasiden.

Les hele artikkelen.

AmCham Sustainability Forum: Ambition & Inevitable Change

AmCham Sustainability Forum: Ambition and Inevitable Change

Representatives from 15 AmCham member industries joined AmCham’s latest Sustainability Forum, as Founder and former CEO of OSM Aviation, Espen Høiby, and Per Hynne, Head of Public Affairs, Communication and Sustainability at Coca-Cola European Partners Norway, presented their companies’ respective groundbreaking initiatives. Both leaders within the respective aviation and food and beverage industries, Høiby and Hynne underscored the responsibility their companies have in their proactive approaches to sustainability.


Espen Høiby – Founder & Former CEO

Per Hynne  – Head of Public Affairs, Communication and Sustainability

Sky-High Innovation

Espen Høiby, a former airline captain and management executive for Scandinavian Airlines (SAS), has led OSM Aviation’s vast growth over the past seven years. The company provides aviation training and crew management services and was founded with the intent of disrupting traditional industry inefficiencies. OSM Aviation’s flexible model has enabled their clients to cut costs while increasing flexibility for employees – in other words, a more sustainable model focused on business longevity and employee satisfaction.

Contrary to general assumptions, the aviation industry overall accounts for approximately 2.5% of global carbon dioxide emissions. These emissions, however, must be actively addressed with efforts to lessen impacts. A new modus operandi has been “long overdue” for the industry – a sentiment that, along with the pandemic, has acted as a catalyst for technological advancements.

“This past year’s dramatic effect on airlines cannot be overstated,” Høiby acknowledged. “However, when the world does return to more regular traveling patterns, airlines will need to respond to customers – led by demography, technologies, and consumer behavior and expectations.” The answer lies in the emergence of electrification.

Forecasting the future of aviation, Høiby addressed environmental scrutiny and focus, aircraft electrification, new business models and urban mobility. OSM Aviation’s purchase of 60 electric planes from Colorado-based Bye Aerospace is one step towards revolutionizing training for pilots. With these types of battery-driven planes, operating costs are one fifth of fuel-driven planes, carbon emissions during flight are zero, and noise pollution is greatly reduced. “In 10 years, the way we move around will be completely different to what we see today.”

Ambition as a Force for Change

Per Hynne opened by acknowledging the Sustainability Forum’s evolution since its inception in 2018, affirming that it serves as a unique platform for sharing cross-industry best practices and as an inspiration on sustainability-related topics.

Coca-Cola European Partners (CCEP) has dedicated mounting resources to their climate and sustainable impact strategy, working on system-wide solutions since 2011. When addressing sustainability, CCEP works within six pillars: drinks, packaging, society, water, climate, and supply chain. Over the course of 10 years, Hynne has seen a dramatic change within key initiatives. Today, the company is acting on its Action on Climate Now protocols launched in November 2020. Their vision is a path to net zero by 2040, measuredly cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

According to Hynne, large corporations need to be the ones driving change, as they have the resources and the capabilities to do so. Additionally, there must be incentives for leaders internally to promote sustainable practices. “What we see through the plans we have driven within sustainability over the last years is that ambitious targets are what drives the change.”

When assessing external value chains – including sourcing, packaging, equipment, customers, and communities – one finding is that 43% of emissions are derived from packaging, providing ample reason to explore optimized circular packaging solutions.

In 2018, The Coca-Cola Company launched the campaign Working Towards a World Without Waste. One way of reaching that goal is by collecting every single unit that enters the market, an area Norway excels through its depositing scheme. Drawing upon its strong brand, Coca-Cola has effectively replaced its bottle logos with the message “PANT MEG IGJEN” (deposit me again) on its 100% recycled bottles throughout Norway.

About Sustainability Forum

Future success is dependent upon running a sustainable business – for people, planet, and profit. Hence, AmCham brings select, cross-industry member company representatives together on an ongoing basis to discuss opportunities, facilitate open exchange and determine how AmCham members can best contribute to Norwegian and US sustainability agendas going forward.

Read more about our Sustainability Forum and please contact for interest in future meetings.

TIME100 Most Influential Companies 2021

Which companies are shaping our future? That’s the question at the heart of our first ever TIME100 Most Influential Companies, a new list—and an expansion of our iconic TIME100 franchise—that highlights businesses making an extraordinary impact around the world. To assemble it, TIME solicited nominations across sectors including health care, entertainment, transportation, technology and more from our global network of editors and correspondents, as well as from industry experts. Then, we evaluated each one on key factors, including relevance, impact, innovation, leadership, ambition and success.

The result is a diverse array of 100 institutions, from the tech startup engineering a smarter way to recycle to the cryptocurrency firm reimagining the future of money to the pharma titans creating the vaccines of tomorrow (and today). Together, these businesses—and the leaders who steer them—are helping to chart an essential path forward.

See the complete list.

Conversion of Slagen Refinery to Import Terminal

After a thorough Information and Consultation process with employees and their representatives the Board of Directors of Esso Norge AS has decided to convert its Slagen refinery to a Fuel import terminal.

Slagen refinery operates in an increasingly challenging market, characterized by strong competition, evolving regulatory measures and falling demand leading to overcapacity in the market. In this environment the continued Slagen refinery operation is not economically viable over the long term.
Ongoing reliable fuel supply for Esso customers will be ensured through import of high quality fuel products.

We thank our employees for their tremendous efforts to improve the performance of the Slagen refinery. We understand the significant impact of the decision on our employees, and remain committed to supporting them during this challenging time.

Read full article.

Bergans hedret i prestisjetung konkurranse

Bergans ble i dag tildelt bronse i kategorien «Fashion & Beauty» i Clio Awards. Det er innovasjonsprosjektet The Collection Of Tomorrow som får den gjeve utmerkelsen.

Amerikanske Clio Awards har eksistert siden 1959 og er en av de største og mest prestisjetunge kreative konkurransene i verden. Clio anerkjenner innovasjon og kreativitet innen reklame, design og kommunikasjon.

The Collection Of Tomorrow er et innovasjonsprosjekt Bergans startet sammen med den finske fiberprodusenten Spinnova. Målet er å utvikle ny teknologi som gjør det mulig å fremstille tekstiler på en mer bærekraftig måte og utforske sirkulære forretningsmodeller.

Les mer.

Three Questions with Salesforce Regional Director Per Haakon Lomsdalen


Per Haakon Lomsdalen

Regional Director, Salesforce

Photo: Pia Sønstrød

In the beginning of March 2020, you were announced as Salesforce’s Regional Vice President for Norway and Iceland, becoming the first Norwegian in a management position at the company. At the very same time, the pandemic was becoming a reality in Norway. When entering the role, you stated that recruiting was your main focus as the company was growing. How did you navigate the hiring challenges that arose from the extraordinary situation? Did you reach the target or redefine it?

We are on a growth path that will last for a while. Building up a local organization takes time of course, but we are making great progress. We´re hiring new employees every month so the target is still the same. So far, we have built a strong local organization and leadership team, and we’re still hiring!

Crisis management, B2B, B2C, customer experience and service – what are the biggest trends on the horizon?

We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to reimagine how we work. We are moving to an all-digital, work-from-anywhere world. From now on, remote work will just be work. E-commerce will just be commerce. Video meetings will just be meetings. The traditional ‘9-to-5 workday’ is no more. In an all-digital, work-from-anywhere world, every company has to be able to work, sell, service, market, collaborate, and analyze data from anywhere. And Salesforce was built for this world. With products like Slack and, Salesforce is creating the operating system for the new way to work and closing the innovation gap as customers, and their employees, make the necessary transition to that exciting future. The companies that will emerge stronger are the ones that embrace change and don’t simply snap back to the way things were done before.




From now on, remote work will just be work. E-commerce will just be commerce. Video meetings will just be meetings.

As someone with extensive experience from the technology industry, do you organize your life completely “in the cloud” or does the occasional post-it or grocery list find its way into your daily life?

With all the great digital tools available, I´m not using post-it notes, I must admit. What I really enjoy is that all the cloud solutions that are available make it easy to collaborate seamlessly both in my professional and personal life. A very simple example is calendar sharing with my family, which makes it easy for us to align and get an overview of our current and upcoming activities.

On more advanced levels, the cloud platform that Salesforce represents gives me a 360 degree view of the business I’m running, when and where I need it. But most important for me, is that my daily life should not only be in a cloud – I worship close relationships and face to face contact with family, friends and professional networks. A digital cloud can never substitute the joy of physical interaction.

Equinor Submits Troll West Electrification Plan to Norwegian Authorities

Equinor and partners Petoro, Shell, Total and ConocoPhillips have decided in favour of Troll West electrification, and today submit the plan for development and operation to the minister of petroleum and energy. The decision includes partial electrification of the Troll B platform and full electrification of Troll C in the North Sea.

This will cut CO2 emissions by almost half a million tonnes per year, i.e. the equivalent of more than three percent of total emissions from oil and gas production and one percent of total emissions in Norway. NOx emissions from the field will be reduced by some 1700 tons per year.

“Electrification is essential to successful reduction of the emissions from the NCS, and we have ambitious plans for this. The partnership’s decision to electrify Troll B and Troll C will cut emissions substantially. The Troll area will deliver enormous volumes of low-emission energy for many decades, adding great value for the companies and for Norway,” says Kjetil Hove, Equinor’s executive vice president for Development & Production Norway.

Read full article.

Bain & Company and Nordic AmChams: The Road to Resilience

Bain & Company and Nordic AmChams: The Road to Resilience

AmChams Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, in partnership with Bain & Company, recently hosted a virtual Road to Resilience discussion with Bain Partners Andrew Schwedel and Hernan Saenz. Providing nuanced insights into how senior executives can prepare for turbulent times, Schwedel and Saenz addressed the five myths that stand in the way of allowing a company to hedge against, absorb and recover from the inevitable shocks to its system.

Full Session

Please view the full session, which includes Bain Resilience Index industry benchmarks for the Nordics, here.

Photo: Bain & Company

Hernan Saenz Partner, Dallas

Bain Final
Photo: Bain & Company

Andrew Schwedel – Partner, New York

Bain Final

Electrification to Fight Climate Change: The Challenge of a Lifetime

As the American Jobs Plan, President Biden’s $2.25 trillion infrastructure package proposes a $174 billion investment ‘’to win the EV [electric vehicle] market.” The goal of 500,000 charging stations across the U.S. by 2030 is big probably not ambitious enough. The American Energy Alliance, for instance, reports that “wouldn’t even amount to 50% of what is needed in California alone.” There’s also a strong push to electrify school buses and transit vehicles. As for electricity to power heavy-duty trucking (e.g., a climate mandate in California), some experts believe that sheer weight might make it physically impossible.

The climate goal of electrification is a triad: transportation, industry, and buildings. For example, some “blue” states such as California and Washington are banning direct usage of natural gas in homes in favor of electricity, while “red” states such as Oklahoma and Louisiana are doing the reverse, preemptively “banning the bans” against gas.

Read full article.