All posts by Margrethe Harboe

White House, Intelligence Agencies, Pentagon Issue Reports Warning That Climate Change Threatens Global Security


As the United States and nations around the world struggle to blunt the effects of rising temperatures and extreme weather, sweeping assessments released Thursday by the White House, the U.S. intelligence community and the Pentagon conclude that climate change will exacerbate long-standing threats to global security.

Together, the reports show a deepening concern within the U.S. security establishment that the shifts unleashed by climate change can reshape U.S. strategic interests, offer new opportunities to rivals such as China, and increase instability in nuclear states such as North Korea and Pakistan.

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Rekordkontrakt til norsk forsvarsindustri

Forsvarsmateriell og Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace undertegner i dag kontrakt på levering av missiler til norske F-35. – Med denne kontrakten sikrer vi en helt avgjørende kapasitet for våre nye kampfly, sier forsvarsminister Odd Roger Enoksen.

Kontrakten har en verdi på fire milliarder kroner og er med det en av de største anskaffelsene av våpen til Forsvaret noen gang.

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Norges globale helseambassadør valgt inn i det amerikanske medisinske vitenskapsakademiet

Norges globale helseambassadør, John-Arne Røttingen, er valgt inn som ett av ti nye internasjonale medlemmer i det amerikanske medisinske akademiet (National Academy of Medicine) i 2021.

Begrunnelsen for utnevnelsen er Røttingens innsats for å stimulere til innovasjon for å møte store folkehelsebehov. Akademiet trekker særlig frem Røttingens innsats i etableringen av vaksineutviklingskoalisjonen Cepi med hovedkvarter i Norge. Koalisjonen har som mål å bidra til at verden raskere får tilgjengeliggjort medisiner og vaksiner, når det oppstår sykdomsepidemier, og har vært sentral i den globale covid-19 pandemibekjempelsen.

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US to Allow Fully Vaccinated International Visitors Starting Nov. 8

The United States will lift border restrictions for fully vaccinated international travelers beginning Nov. 8, according to the White House.

The policy will be effective for both land borders and air travel.

“The US’ new travel policy that requires vaccination for foreign national travelers to the United States will begin on Nov 8. This announcement and date applies to both international air travel and land travel. This policy is guided by public health, stringent, and consistent,” White House assistant press secretary Kevin Munoz said on Twitter.

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Biden Bets Big on Wind Power Ahead of Climate Summit

President Biden is betting big on wind power to demonstrate U.S. climate commitments ahead of an international summit that starts in just over two weeks.

The Biden administration has set a goal of cutting U.S. carbon emissions in half by 2030, in addition to boosting offshore wind energy. Under the roadmap announced by administration officials this week, offshore wind power would be installed along almost the entire U.S. coastline in the coming years.

Interior Secretary Deb Haaland said at an industry conference Wednesday that her agency hopes to lease installation sites in the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf of Maine and off of California, Oregon and the Atlantic coast by 2025. The move comes just months after the administration approved the first major commercial offshore wind farm, near Martha’s Vineyard.

“We have big goals to achieve a clean energy economy and Interior is meeting the moment,” said Haaland.

Equinor Launches a Multibillion-Dollar Blue Hydrogen Plan

OSLO (Bloomberg) –Equinor ASA, the flagship producer of oil and gas giant Norway, is investing billions of dollars in blue hydrogen on a bet that it can make the fuel more cleanly than anyone else.

The state-controlled oil firm is among energy companies across Europe stepping up plans for hydrogen as mounting pressure to fight climate change spurs massive shifts in investment. Equinor believes it has the edge in the race to commercialize the industry because it leaks less methane than its rivals.

The company is focusing on blue hydrogen, which is made from natural gas and has been touted as key to cleaning up industries such as steel, cement and aviation. Yet it’s also drawn criticism, since its production releases carbon dioxide that must be captured and stored, while the process of gas extraction and transportation emits methane, an even more potent greenhouse gas.

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U.S. Marine Corps Awards Production Contract to Kongsberg for C-UAS Capability

JOHNSTOWN, Penn. — The U.S. Marine Corps has awarded a production contract to Kongsberg Protech Systems USA to deliver remote weapon systems (RWS) as part of the Marine Air Defense Integrated System (MADIS) program, the company said Oct. 5.  

The indefinite delivery / indefinite quantity contract has a ceiling of $94 million and includes a series of low-rate initial production systems and full-rate production units. This production contract award follows a September 2020 contract award from the Marine Corps to Kongsberg for test articles and activities, which included design verification testing. 

The Kongsberg RS6 RWS for MADIS leverages technology and competence drawn from multiple counter-unmanned aircraft systems and air defense programs. The system leverages commonality with the family of Protector RWS delivered and fielded with the U.S. Army and Marine Corps and will be integrated on the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle together with external sensors and effectors.  

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With Help From Tesla, Nearly 80% of Norway’s New Car Sales Are Electric

OSLO, Oct 1 (Reuters) – Demand for Tesla Inc’s (TSLA.O) mid-sized models helped push up electric car sales in Norway to nearly 80% of total car sales last month, data showed on Friday.

The country has been a global leader in switching to electric vehicles and seeks to become the first to end the sale of petrol and diesel engines by 2025.

Battery electric vehicles made up 77.5% of all new cars in September, the Norwegian Road Federation (OFV) said, up from 61.5% a year ago.

Tesla Model Y, a compact sports utility vehicle, was the top selling vehicle with 19.8% of the car market followed by the company’s Model 3 sedan with 12.3%. Skoda’s Enyaq was a distant third at 4.4%.

Entry Restrictions Will be Gradually Lifted

In ‘A normal everyday life with increased emergency preparedness’, the Norwegian Government will remove entry restrictions in three phases. Phase 1 will begin on Saturday 25 September at 4 pm.

From then, all EEA nationals, including people from other countries who reside in the EEA, may enter Norway. The same applies to people who live in the UK and Switzerland. We will also allow all foreign nationals who live in purple countries to enter Norway. These are countries outside the EEA/Schengen area which the Norwegian Institute of Public Health has determined can have slightly lighter restrictions.

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Norway to End Coronavirus-related Restrictions on September 25, 2021

OSLO (Reuters) -Norway will reopen society on Saturday, the government said, ending its coronavirus-curbing restrictions, which have limited social interaction and hobbled many businesses.

The Nordic nation joins a small but growing number of countries, including Denmark and Britain, which have removed all domestic restrictions limiting the spread of the coronavirus.

“It is 561 days since we introduced the toughest measures in Norway in peacetime … Now the time has come to return to a normal daily life,” Prime Minister Erna Solberg told a news conference.

The restrictions will end at 1600 local time (1400 GMT) on Saturday, she said.

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