All posts by Margrethe Harboe

Yara fortsetter arbeidet med å kutte Norges største punktutslipp

Hegra ble lansert i 2021 som et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Yara, Aker Clean Hydrogen og Statkraft, med mål om å elektrifisere Yaras ammoniakkfabrikk på Herøya i Porsgrunn, og fjerne 800 000 tonn med årlige CO2-utslipp

Et integrert team mellom partene har samarbeidet gjennom det siste året med å modne prosjektet i en tidlig fase. Den nylig avsluttede mulighetsstudien viser at HEGRA er gjennomførbart, men av strategiske hensyn er det ikke hensiktsmessig å videreføre prosjektet med nåværende eierstruktur. Arbeidet med HEGRA blir videreført av Yara frem mot endelig investeringsbeslutning uten Aker Clean Hydrogen og Statkraft som deleiere.

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EU, US strike preliminary deal to unlock transatlantic data flows

Brussels and Washington have struck an agreement in principle on a revamped “Privacy Shield” data transfer agreement, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and U.S. President Joe Biden said Friday.

Negotiators have been working on an agreement — which allows Europeans’ personal data to flow to the United States — since the EU’s top court struck down the Privacy Shield agreement in July 2020 because of fears that the data was not safe from access by American agencies once transferred across the Atlantic.

The EU chief’s comments Friday show both sides have reached a political breakthrough, coinciding with U.S. President Joe Biden’s visit to Brussels this week.

Joint Statement from the U.S. Chamber and BusinessEurope on the Significance of Legal Certainty for Data Flows to the US-EU Economic Relationship

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Businesses from both sides of the Atlantic operate in a global economy and their continued growth, innovation, and competitiveness depend on unimpeded transfers of data. As recent events have clearly demonstrated, reinforcing our shared connectivity is imperative as we face growing geopolitical and economic threats from other actors that do not share our values.

The economic importance of data flows is only increasing as our economies embark on a generational transformation towards a more digitally connected and sustainable society. To make such a transition a success, secure data transfers are foundational.

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Hydro’s head office at Vækerø will be Norway’s largest office building with solar panels

The planning phase to install solar panels at the commercial buildings in Vækerø Park has begun. With 1,520 high-efficiency panels, it will be the country’s largest installation at an office building.

“The head office at Vækerø means something to our identity. We hope this is something our employees – and future employees – find exciting and inspiring,” says Nina Schefte, Head of CSR in Hydro.

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Kroll: Navigating uncertainty during the Russia-Ukraine Crisis

Navigating uncertainty during the Russia-Ukraine Crisis

Article: Navigating Uncertainty During the Russia-Ukraine Crisis

As the crisis unfolds, Kroll has been helping clients assess sanctions exposure, consider fast-moving divestment decisions, and manage disruptions to supply chains. Kroll also has a strong valuation and restructuring practice that can support with write downs or divestitures.   

Russia – Ukraine crisis response – Kroll service: 

Counter-party screening: whether joint venture partners, suppliers, buyers or service providers, Kroll deploys risk-appropriate analysis to investigate sanctions exposure.

Identifying sanction risk: using data analytics for comprehensive, risk-focused identification of sanctions risk and ongoing monitoring of sanction exposure for at-risk relationships

Divestment risk: comprehensively evaluating potential buyers, from sanctions exposure, financial capacity and reputational impact, including work on comparative assessments

Breach support: investigative support for potential sanctions breaches by employees or third-party relationships that present breach risk; aid in regulatory reporting and voluntary disclosures

Valuation support for write-downs or divestitures

Supporting business’ response: as businesses adapt and engage with new supply chains and partners, Kroll supports the swift assessment of risk in new relations and can help with onboarding

Cyber support: Kroll’s cyber capabilities support all the above, including asset protection through divestment to investigative analysis in sanctions breaches. Kroll provides 24/7 cyber incident support.

Litigation and disputes: litigation readiness support, advice and expert testimony in relation to potential disputes including assessments of loss; technical advice and analysis on accounting issues, economic and market related issues, and impact on complex financial products

Restructuring and wind-downs: assisting with the restructuring and/or orderly wind-down of entities impacted by the sanctions regime

Crisis management and evacuation services to protect personnel and operations

For more information, please contact Anna Hensel, Managing Director, Governance & Risk Advisory at:



3M named as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies by Ethisphere Institute for 9th consecutive year

ST. PAUL, Minn., March 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The Ethisphere Institute today recognized 3M for ethics and integrity in business conduct and compliance for the ninth straight year. 3M is one of only seven industrial companies worldwide to be honored this year.

“For the past 120 years, 3M has built its reputation on doing things ethically,” said Michael Duran, 3M senior vice president and chief ethics and compliance officer. “Our purpose as a company and unwavering integrity help us deliver to our customers and make 3M a great place to work. I am truly proud of our more than 90,000 3M employees who work to protect 3M’s reputation every day.” 

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Norge og USA skal samarbeide mer om kunstig intelligens

Kunstig intelligens kan bidra til karbonfangst- og lagring, smartere energisystemer, bedre klimamodellering og mer persontilpasset medisin. Nå har Norge signert en avtale med det amerikanske energidepartementet om å samarbeide tettere om forskning, innovasjon, utdanning og etiske spørsmål på feltet.

– Jeg er glad for at vi har fått på plass denne avtalen. USA har svært sterke fagmiljøer innenfor kunstig intelligens.  Vi ser frem til å samarbeide med de beste om å utvikle metoder og teknologier for å løse utfordringer innenfor områder som klima, energi og helse. Dette er teknologi med et enormt potensial, og en viktig ambisjon er samarbeid om utvikling av kunstig intelligens som er tilpasset norske interesser og næringsliv, sier forsknings- og høyere utdanningsminister Ola Borten Moe.

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A new normal for Norway

The Norwegian economy is booming. COVID-19 restrictions are lifted and we are heading out of the pandemic. Economic growth is strong, unemployment is low. A shortage of labor is leading to mounting pressure. At the same time, the war in Ukraine increases uncertainty in the global economy. The war has already led to higher commodity prices. In particular, prices on electricity, gas and fuel have soared throughout Europe.

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